Hi Guys,
I agree with the general concenus that it sounds too good to be true. If this was truly the case, we would have heard or read somewhere along the way that some lucky person would have been cured of als. So... researching the posts leaves me with the believe that this is a truly another money grab. If it is really free, then why did we not hear of it sooner, and why are there not any published patient cures? It is bullcrap to me, having been there, done that. However, sharing information that could possibly help remedy a cure does not hurt. What hurts that some vulnerable person with als could be taken by it. There are many alternative treatments out there, but, how many are really viable? It leaves one to wonder doesn't it. Mike I love your new logo. A golfer eh? Mmmm, now I know where your passions lie. I guess when there is no hockey, one has to resort to other sports, ha..... My son Mike is a big golfer too, and he says hi. Wants to know what you shoot. Anyway, we should never close our minds to things that maybe helpful to a cure, but we also should keep our minds open to scams. In my books, 25,000 is not free. Not unless someone is "GIVING" it to you! Have a great day all. I love you all.