62 with sudden fasiculations


New member
Aug 15, 2024
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Hi! 62 year old F here. I started having charley horse cramps about a month ago and then after a long run workout, twitches started in my right calf but they now seem like popcorn popping every which way but mostly legs and bottom of feet. So my GP referred me to neurologist who had a cancellation and I was able to get in quickly. I couldn’t believe it. During the exam, I did not twitch at all. He conducted other tests and even tried to induce the twitches but nothing. He said he saw nothing concerning and did not think I needed an EMG. Didn’t schedule a folllw up either. of course now i’m twitching like crazy. I might ask for an EMG anyway. But don’t want to act prematurely but I understand EMG may pick abnormalities early. I feel given my age, I should take these twitches more seriously. By the way, I have an anxiety disorder and i’m medicated for it.
It doesn’t matter that you weren’t twitching on exam. The twitch first group is very rare and one of the subgroups is over 50 males ( you are female at birth?). Even they usually have abnormalities on exam when they see the neurologist. Even most over 50 twitching males are almost always fine.

If an emg is absolutely going to make you feel better then ask for it. Most anxious people think it will but then after think it was too soon, done wrong etc. …be honest with yourself. Know also that many 62 yo will have some small abnormalities that have nothing to do with ALS on their emgs from the usual wear and tear of an active life

ALS is not something you have to chase it declares itself soon enough if it is there. I doubt it is in your case
Thank you Nikki! Yes female at birth. Your words rang true with me. When I told my daughter about my appointment results, she asked if I was going to trust the doctors opinion. Anxious people are addicted to worry so asking if EMG would help reassure me? I really don’t know so best to just work on acceptance.