31y pregnant women with odd symptoms


New member
Dec 14, 2024
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Hi all, really appreciate everyone on this forum. I have been lurking here for a while now and thought to ask your opinion on my situation.

I am a 31y female from Finland, soon to be 32. I have always been healthy and lived a normal, quite active life. Normal weight and no known illnesses or injuries. I work in the Finance sector. I also need to mention here that I am currently pregnant with my first child but please, do not let this affect how you see my symptoms.

My symptoms started mid-October. I started to have tingling and numbness in my face, on both sides and especially around cheeks and lips. At the same time, my legs (more specifically front of my thighs) started to feel sort of tight, stiff and weak. I felt a bit out of balance when walking and the tight/stiff/weak feeling was present in the muscles when walking. I experienced some cramps in my calfs during the nights and also noticed that I had fasciculations across my body but mostly in legs. I was still able to walk 7-5km and work out at the gym - this did, though, cause extreme muscle pain right after the workout and in the next days. I went to a GP at the end of October, he did some preliminary strenght etc. clinical tests and also blood work and urine tests. All normal. The weakness and fasciculations continued and I pushed for a neuro referral since I was afraid it could be MS.

Around mid-November I had my neuro appointment. Same symptoms persisted, also a feeling of being more clumsy in everyday tasks like writing with computer, accidentally bumping on things or banging dishes, some occasions where I stumbled on something but didn’t fall. He did the clinical tests - strenght, reflexes, all of that. He thought everything seemed normal. I told about my worries of MS and he said it didn’t look like that at all but gave me a referral to head MRI just in case.

I felt relieved for a while but then started to have same kind of tight/stiff/weak feeling in my both arms, more specifically in forearms. I also started to have a very fast HR and constant heart palpitations that didn’t calm down. My throat was constantly feeling dry and a bit achy in the morning but I thought it was because of pregnancy. I had the head MRI early Dec and some investigations related to my heart. MRI was clean, no signs of MS or tumors or anything else. Constant ventricular extra beats were identified in EKG and Holter exam but they were told to be benign.

I called the same neuro I saw in November and had another appointment on 11th of Dec. At this point I had of course googled and found ALS. I still had all of the symptoms but started to feel worse on my right side. I told him directly that I worried about ALS and told about the arm weakness and heart issues. He performed again the clinical tests and made me hold my legs and arms in certain statistic positions for a minute - I was able to but right side felt worse and was trembling but the neuro said it went well. He didn’t find anything concerning but gave a referral to CK bloodwork and ENMG to rule out anything. CK was 64 and ENMG was performed by a specialist doctor in neurophysiology. He tested areas in my right leg and arm and told everything was normal, no signs of ALS or anything else. I felt relieved, again. Neuro also called and said there is nothing more we can test and maybe all is just because of pregnancy.

However, after that I started to sleep very poorly, waking up around 4-5am every night and not being able to go back to sleep - it felt like my throat was tight/collapsing and the fasciculations were all over the place, my arms felt numb and weak when waking up. At this point I was not going to the gym anymore, felt too exhausted and thighs and forearms feeling weak all the time - even in daily tasks like walking to the tram stop, walking up/down one set of stairs, doing the laundry or cooking etc. My voice had been a bit hoarse for a week or two and the dryness/soreness of the throat continued. I decided to book an appointment to the only ALS specialist I know we have in Finland even though it was expensive and to be paid by myself.

I had this third neuro appointment (first with the ALS specialist) on 19th of Dec. He saw the notes of my previous visits, MRI, ENMG and I also showed him a list and timeline of my symptoms. He seemed quite frustrated with me and didn’t seem to understand why I was there. However, he performed clinical tests, made me drink warm water while investigating my throat/neck and the swallowing and inspected my body for any atrophy. He said there was nothing, gave me a lecture about fasciculations and ALS mechanic in general but didn’t comment my symptoms. He told me to forget about ALS and move on.

Yet, I am here… during the Christmas I started to feel that swallowing is difficult, there is a feeling of mucus in my throat and nose but I am not feeling otherwise ill. I need to constantly swallow, I cough for no apparent reason and clear my throat all the time. Voice is hoarse and a bit weak, co-workers keep asking me if I am sick. Breathing feels heavy and HR is still up, constant palpitations continue. Thighs and forearms feel even more thight/stiff/weak and even walking 3km feels difficult because of my right thigh (but I can still do it). I try to still keep doing that every day and walk stairs to my apartment (6th floor) but it makes my legs wobbly and feeling even more tight and achy. My forearms are feeling terrible even now holding my phone and writing this - especially the right one. I have also started to feel weak on my index fingers, wrists and ankles in daily activities. I am a rational human and I understand that three neuro appointments and a clean ENMG should mean that I cannot have ALS. But as my arms and legs seem to get worse and there are these swallowing/throat related sensations, I find myself circling back to ALS.

To summarize:
Tight/stiff/weak feeling in arms and legs, especially in front parts of thighs and forearms but also some effects seen in ankles, wrists and fingers - affects daily tasks and walking
Constant fasciculations everywhere, even in the neck/throat area but only rarely in face
Numb feeling in face, mainly cheeks and around the lips
Swallowing issues/constant swallowing, dry or achy feeling throat or feeling of mucus in throat
Hoarse voice, constant clearing of throat and unexplained coughing
Clumsiness in daily tasks - lot of spelling errors when typing with computer or mobile, bumping into things or banging things accidentally, pushing things down
Feeling out of breath, especially when laying down, high HR and constant palpitations
No findings in neurological clinical tests (except both neuros wrote reflexes +/+ or ”semiactive” but didn’t say anything about it), in MRI or ENMG
Normal bloodwork except for a bit elevated leukocytes (due to pregnancy) and when CRP was taken last weekend, it was suddenly 28 without a reason (in original bloodwork back in Oct below 5)
Heart and lungs have been looked at with ultrasound, nothing unusual there
31y old female, no family history of ALS or anything else serious, pregnant at 32 weeks now and all symptoms starting within 2,5-3 months

I am sorry this became such a long story. Any advice what to do next? The GP I originally visited is one of my occupational health care doctors and is very unwilling to investigate anything further since it is all put down into ”probably just due to pregnancy, wait until the baby is born”. Public healthcare isn’t any better, long waiting times and difficult to even have a GP appointment. I am obviously worried because I have still 2 months left of this pregnancy and I am afraid I will get worse - not to mention what happens once my baby is born and if I would have ALS.

I have attached my ENMG from 11th of Dec as reference.



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You ask what to do? I do not think anyone here would advise anything different than what your doctors have. You have multiple opinions including one from an ALS specialist , multiple normal exams and a normal emg.

If anything ask your gp or ob for help with stress management. The time of pregnancy and those first postpartum months is so special. Please get help so you can enjoy it. You will regret forever if you do not.
Hi Nikki,
Thanks for you reply, really appreciate it. Sorry for not articularing very clearly what was my question.

I think I am in the same limbo where many other worried people are coming to this forum - can it just be that the EMG was done too early and not to correct areas and what if this all develops soon into observable clinical weakness. I have read the ”read before posting” and with a rational mind it shouldn’t be possible but still wondering. I feel that my doctors haven’t taken me very seriously because of my age and the pregnancy, and I read about at least one quite young PALS who had symptoms during pregnancy but they were overlooked and she got diagnosed then at some point after the baby was born.

Everything else I could explain with pregnancy or other reasonings but the weakness is scaring me. I tested my right and left hand in a way that I hold the forearms against a table palms downwards and then stretched my palms and fingers upwards. Right hand and fingers start to shake immediately due to the forearm weakness and the fingers try to push down even when I try to resist. Is this a sign of clinical weakness and should the EMG have still shown something if it was ALS even though radialis was not tested? Same goes with my right leg, it seems they mostly tested lower leg even though most critical issues are present in the thigh/knee area.

I don’t have any follow-up appointments coming since no one knows what is wrong with me.
It is an ALS hallmark to see multiple EMG abnormalities even in areas "without symptoms." The diffuse issues you describe would, I have no doubt, manifest in an EMG to some extent if you had ALS.

B vitamin and iron deficiencies are common in pregnancy -- I don't know what supplementation you're doing. Fragmented sleep is, as well. Bloodwork doesn't always show subclinical deficiencies/imbalances that some people are more sensitive to than others, especially when not sleeping well and carrying around a baby-to-be. You might consult a dietician experienced with prenatal issues.

Your comments about arrhythmia, tachycardia, palpitations and the like, which can easily be uncomfortable enough to heighten hypervigilance and lead to a whole cascade of perceived symptoms, lead me to suggest that you ask about a trial of medication to address these.

No one here is going to laugh off your issues as not worthy of concern because you are pregnant. But by the same token, to the extent that pregnancy is a factor, it should be addressed in a medical way.
Thanks for your kind response. I have been supplementing with iron and vitamins throughout my pregnancy and also taking b12 and magnesium recently. There isn’t a lot that can be done with my palpitations during pregnancy - I have some medication for that but the help from those is very limited.

However, my right hand seems to get a bit worse - numbness during the nights is terrible and during the day it feels I can use the hand somewhat normally only if I support my arm/forearm/elbow against my body or table or arm of the chair etc. There have been also some slight weakness sensations now moving up towards my shoulder. Right leg has also shown some tightness moving towards my calf from the thigh. It seems I have no other option that to go back to my GP and try to show him exactly what I am struggling with. I just feel a bit hopeless due to these three neuro appointments and the EMG being clean - but I am afraid that if a new EMG was done now, a month later, it wouldn’t be clean anymore.

I know this probably wouldn’t be a very typical progression of ALS, starting bilaterally from thighs, then moving to forearms and then getting worse on the right side and maybe causing also bulbar symptoms (my swallowing issues/dry mouth or too much saliva/cough without illness) all within less than three months without proved clinical weakness but I am afraid that pregnancy might cause a strange progression. Still trying to stay hopeful. Thanks for your answers so far.
You're right -- it would be an unprecedented onset and there's no reason to speculate that you are the first in millions.

You might try a new or different body pillow, supposing that you may be putting pressure on your R side in sleep. And if your palpitations are bothersome in sleep, that is going to further tossing/turning/numbness/tightness. So you have the result to consult a second clinician about what can be done. If you are getting cold and your muscles are not relaxing, you could try a low-voltage heated mattress pad.

You seem to be focusing on ALS -- coming up with scenarios where it is still in the differential, when there is no reason for it to be in the picture. So there's no need to be "hopeful" that it's not ALS and I hope with some thought, experimentation, and possibly counseling, that you can move on, so you can focus on what could actually make you feel better.

Assuredly, there is something that will help. Believing otherwise is counterproductive. The really good news -- you don't belong here.