26 Year Male Seeking for advice

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May 30, 2019
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Hi everyone,

First of all I want to say that I am really grateful for the people answering on this forum. I really hope that there will be a cure for this disease soon.

I am a 26 years old male. English is not my native language, so excuse me for my spelling mistakes, I will try my best.

It started on my vacation in Thailand. A dog licked me and I received a post vaccination of two rabies boosters. Two months later (four months ago) when I was in Laos my arm started to have a burning tingeling sensation and I started to have a headache. At first I thought it would be the DEET we sprayed (to prevent mosquito). But when I stopped spraying the sensations stayed. I also had the feeling that my arm was less strong than before. A couple of days later I went to bed and did go to sleep, but my girlfriend waked me up, because I had to brush my teeth. When I tried to sleep again, I could not sleep anymore. My head was hyperactive as soon as I closed my eyes. Then I checked my symptoms against rabies and I was really afraid that it could be rabies. (The sensations on my arm were at the same arm as the dog licked). We stayed there 2 more nights but I couldn’t sleep anymore, and the last night I panicked. We flew back to Bangkok to see a doctor as I wanted to be sure I didn’t have rabies. (Not that you can do much about it when you have it, but at least I could go back to my family) The doctor told me I didn’t have it, but my symptoms stayed. I could barely sleep (I still don’t know why) and my arm kept burning/tingeling.

(Februari) After more than 6 days with almost no sleep I decided to fly home. I thought at home I would calm down and sleep normal again. I thought the sensations and the headache were just a reaction to my anxious mind. Unfortunately it did not go away, the burning/tingeling spread to my left leg and than my left arm and right leg. I also got a burning/tingeling sensation in my chin, sometimes it was even itching. It mostly happend when I was laying down. I also got a small spasm sometimes when my body was laying still. Sleeping didn’t go wel either. Then I started to get very small fasciculations (I think they are fasciculations because I experience them as small electric shocks on my skin, sometimes I see a hair move) on my calves, my arms and my shoulders.

(March) I started to realize that the burning sensation in my chin was more cramping than tingeling. It went temporary away when I yawn. I also experiences other muscle movements in my face, a bit like a muscle slowly walking from one point to another point of your face ( A bit of an electric feeling too) . Then I got a lot of cramp in my calves and my shins, and muscle pain in my shoulders. After the cramp my some muscles in my calves are painful when I use them to walk a longer period. I have to walk shorter distance now because of the pain.

Because of my symptoms I went to a neurologist to see if it could be a neurologic disease. He tested my reflexes and I had to do some physical tests. After that he said he couldn’t find any neurologic diseases but he would test my B12 and folic acid. B12 was “low-normal”, so I was okay he said, and should not focus on my body so much.

(May) Unfortunately the symptoms I have did not disappear and only got worse. When I lay down my calve muscles start to vibrate, and sometimes I have a tremor in my calve or my buttock or my arm. I got cramp in my belly when laying down, and it was like multiple muscle groups cramped after every breath. It became really hard to do abdominal breathing. At some point I could only sleep at night when I was sitting. I got Magnesium from the doktor for the cramps, but that did not really help much. After two weeks I do not have the cramps anymore (But did not try to lay down totaly flat anymore). But my abdomen still hurts when laying down, especially my diaphragm. I also have now a lot of muscle tension in my fingers, that stops when I start to move them. I also have problems with swallowing my salvia and my throat burns. I also have the idea that I have atrophy in my left thumb, but until now I don’t have found a good photo to compare with. I also have the feeling that the muscles in my chin and around my lips are weaker. But that is not clinical tested yet.

The biggest problem I am experiencing is my mind. My memory at this moment not what it is used to be (long and short term), and I have a lot of trouble finding words and sometimes I say the wrong word.

Summarize of symptoms that I have:
- Cramp in muscles
- Pain in some calve muscles after walking a bit
- Fasculations in calves, belly, arms and face
- Muscle twitching in the whole body
- Tremors in legs, shoulders and buttock
- Sometimes spasms in muscles when I relax
- Cramp in chin and spontaneous muscle tensions in face, with strange electric feeling (mostly on the right side)
- Muscle tension in fingertips when I do not move them
- Muscle tension in my legs and a muscle in my left arm
- Problems with my memory (finding words, and remembering)

My physical symptoms mostly appear when I am not moving.

Should I ask for a second opinion from another neurologist and ask for an EMG?

Thanks in advance and apologies for taking up your time.
I don’t see ALS in your post. It also sounds like a neurologist didn’t find any problems on exam, and that right there is highly reassuring.

Tense muscles don’t suggest ALS. Twitching is common, nonspecific, and meaningless in the absence of muscle function failure which you have not described.

I don’t think you need a second opinion from another neurologist. Make sure you’re keeping adequately hydrated. Thailand is hot, and fluid and electrolyte abnormalities from excessive sweating and dehydration can sometimes lead to the symptoms you describe. A primary care physician can help you if the symptoms persist.

Please read the sticky for more information on ALS: Important - READ BEFORE POSTING! Answers to common concerns about possible symptoms!
It sounds like you have suffered a trauma so I would seek counseling. No ALS worries, though.
Thanks for both replies! I am not in Thailand anymore, I am home now for almost 4 months. I have read the sticky carefully. The counseling is already arranged.
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