
  1. S

    Post electric shock

    I had an electric shock in September. We are unsure how severe it was but I did not black out. Immediately after I had weakness in my arm and leg (my hand was the point of contact, opposite foot was exit point) and a tingling feeling up my forearm. This pain lasted a few months and subsided, but...
  2. L

    Just found out my birth family suffers from C9 gene mutation. Please help!

    Hi, I was adopted when I was young and did not know my full medical history. I just discovered that the C9 mutation runs in my family. Over the last 4 years, 3 people have died from this - my uncle and aunt from ALS and my mom from FTD. I am unsure if anyone else is currently affected in my very...
  3. R

    Re Visiting

    Hi Folks, The past 16 months have been a challenge for me. I had not been able to get a diagnosis during that time. I had many symptoms that presented to be similar to ALS symptoms - calf atrophy, twitching, abnormal emg, etc. My neurologist would not diagnosis me with ALS, nor would he rule it...
  4. J

    Unsure if ALS - Some signs are confusing

    Hi everyone, For the past 2 weeks I have noticed fatigue in my left forearm which effects my hand. I can still do everything I normally could it's simply uncomfortable to do at the moment. My question regards the feeling in my muscles which is now in my shoulder, forearm and hand are rather...
  5. N

    21 and concerned

    Hi, let me start by saying everyone diagnosed here is a warrior. And I've thought long and hard before even posting here, purely because I don't want to waste any of your time. I don't know what else to do at this point though, the anxiety from this is killing me. Anyways, I'm a 21 year old...
  6. A

    Common 'Cure' for SMA and ALS

    I saw this a few months back: Harvard Scientists: ALS, SMA Cure Found While Schizophrenia Treatment Is Uncertain [Video] : College : University Herald Does anyone know more info about the above?
  7. P

    Continued atrophy and stiffness, no answers

    Hello All, After numerous visits to the neurologist, neuromuscular specialist, physical therapist- I still have worsening atrophy in my right quad and thigh as well as the web of my right hand. Stiffness in my right foot/toes and hand as well. 2 clean emg's on my right leg, as well as clean...
  8. K

    Unsure what is going on

    Hello all. I am 45 years old and an RN. I have been doing home health for the past 5 years and have had multiple patients with MS, ALS and PLS. About 1 year ago I notice some slight twitching in my left toes and foot as well as clumsiness in my hands. I wrote it off to stress, fatigue, getting...
  9. T

    Does this seem like ALS?

    I am a 17 year old female. I have had blood tests that came out normal. I went to the ER the other day because I was not getting answers. He did my reflexes and did the babinski reflex. I am unsure of the results of either, he did however suggest I had MS and referred me to a neurologist. I am...
  10. H

    Concerns about ALS

    Hi guys! Long time lurker here! I am having some real concerns with my health, and was hoping you could share your opinions on my symptoms. I have read the sticky, and greatly appreciate you taking time to look over this. I have listed all symptoms I have been having, and am scheduled to see a...