
  1. F

    Question regarding twitch pattetns and disease spread(long text)

    Well first of all I would like to tell everyone how much respect I've got for the people fighting the disease and for those that are helping their family members to fight. You are a great and brave people I will try to keep it as short as possible, but I do have to give some background info. So...
  2. O

    Really really worried

    Morning Everyone, Firstly may l apologise in advance if my post is the same old worried story, when l know there are genuine real sufferers on here. l have read the stickie page but something is still eating up inside me:-( During the last week or so l have been suffering from pain in the...
  3. W

    Worried about als

    Hi im a native American 33 year old and suffer from anxiety bipolar. I've been noticing and feeling twiching some on my leg and when i hold my arm out for a few. Been to 3 doctor's and they told me im fine even with crampy feeling on arm. Been going on for weeks maybe longer and i didn't notice...
  4. E

    Twiching is freaking me out

    Hello ima 22 year old male very active I teach martial arts for a living ..for about 6-7 days ive had body wide twitching but mostly in in my right leg and mostly in my right hamstring ...I'm wondering if its two early to go to the doctor...I have no weakness I ran 3 miles yesterday had body...
  5. G

    worried about symptoms

    Hello, i posted here in february about some.symptoms that caused me worries. My problems started around december last year. With twiching muscles on whole body. I also feel sometimes vibrating feeling in my legs and foot. I had two emgs thah showed increased motor neuron potencials in my...
  6. M

    Twiching Sore muscles

    Hi I am a bit worried. I have Not npbeen feeling well for more than a year. Mostly I have been feeling tired with Sore muscles in My legs and arms. Especially if I Press on It with My hand. Two days ago My left biceps was twiching all the Time and the whole Day. I had 10second twiching...
  7. C

    Mom of 3 and scared

    Hi. Ok so for the past week i have been experiencing weird symptoms. A week ago i noticed muscle twiching in my calf, less then 18 later i was having twitching all over one second leg, calf, thigh, arm, lip. I then was very fatigued, hot flashes then chills the next second. My...
  8. K

    Need assistance

    I just turned 46. But on March 10 2016 my sympthoms began. Started with my right calf it was stiff. Then the twiching started. The twiching would be in the calf and eventually moved throughout body. The twiching was mostly at night or at resting. Pins and needles in hands and bottom of...
  9. T


    Dear all, Since 1 year Im experiencing constant twiching with so called hot spots in my leg and left thumb, strong Reflexes, etc (last EMG done last year September - clean, but was not done on my left Hand, which is now my biggest concern). I was almost certain those are benign, before I've...
  10. W

    7 years of twitching

    I've had muscle twitches for 7 and a half years all started when my calfs hurt really bad...I looked it up on the Internet and it we talked right to als...well thats when things got bad...I started twiching all over which made me more freaked out....I noticed my tongue twiched once in...