tongue fasciculations

  1. jethro

    Tongue fasciculations

    Do you have tongue fibrilations/fasciculations? Question is addressed to pALS diagnosed with spinal (not bulbar!) ALS more than 2 years ago.
  2. C

    Tongue fasciculations that I can see but can’t feel.

    Hello everyone, and thank you for your time to read this and respond. I will be making a donation when I get paid. I’m 28 years old and have had twitches for 3 months. And yes I read the thread that if I have twitches read this first. The problem is that I have terrible health insurance and...
  3. S

    Is this tongue atrophy?

    Hi, I've been having strong tongue fasciculations for a while now. I have also noticed my tongue used to be round but now it looks like tongue atrophy from what I have seen. I initially thought it was a scalloped tongue but it looks too uneven for this. I also felt how thick each side of my...
  4. L


    Hello all. I've had a few of what I believe could be ALS-like symptoms. I was wondering what others might think. I've had muscle twitches for what I believe to be 4 months now. It started off in just my arms and calves, but after a while they seemed to spread to other parts of my body, such as...
  5. M

    Update and query

    I'll spare you most of the details, but twitching started in late November 2015. Started in left calf but rapidly progressed to all over (more in lower body though). Twitching has pretty steadily gotten worse over two years - more new twitches have come than old twitches have gone. I'm 42. I...
  6. M

    Concerned , been sent for tests. What do they mean?

    Hi everyone. I just want to start by saying that I don’t want anyone to reply that it takes a lot of effort to do so . Save your energy. I don’t want to be a drain on anyone. With that out the way, I not so long ago posted a thread that I asked to be deleted as I felt my concerns were...
  7. jethro

    Entering 4th year of ALS - my status, pleace advice

    in a 750000 citizens capital of my country, i found just one guy (early twenties) who has ALS. he was in china, hardly speaking and moving etc so i dont have base to compare with him. there are at least more than 15 people having ALS in my town, but for sure they dont use internet. as i said...
  8. L

    Does my mom have ALS?

    Hi ! I am new here and I wanted to know if my mom has ALS... Here is the history: My mom frequently woke up choking...some time passed and it never happens again. well, 1 year, I think, later, she starts to stumble in the streets with her left foot. later she started to limp too...she had...
  9. P

    Bulbar ALS questions

    Hi All, Seeking some guidance here, thanks in advance for your replies. I am a 35y old male, Starting in October 2016 I initially had numbness and tingling in my right arm leading to an NCS/EMG, NCS was normal EMG showed chronic partial denervation in a C7 distribution consistent with a...
  10. A

    ALS on a teenager? Surface EMG?

    AGE: 18 Sex: M Height: 5'3 Weight: 75 kg Race: Asian Duration of complaint: 2 years and 2 months since i first twitched My twitch started 2 years ago and now it's all over my body mostly on my left foot no weakness though but I can twitching. Like when I put my feet on a cross position it gets...