
  1. T

    Resources for teens with a parent with ALS?

    Being a teenager these days under normal circumstance is hard enough (for example, I have a senior and we are in the throes of college acceptances/rejections/etc.), but add having a parent with ALS to it.... Aside from therapy, what has worked for your kids? Does a forum like this exist for...
  2. S

    What is this?! Please help...

    Hi Everyone, This is my very first forum I have ever done. I’ve debated for quite some time now about posting so here goes nothing. I’m a 33year old female. I have 3 small children. I know something is going on with my system but I don’t know what. Last spring I got massive head fog and body...
  3. A

    ALS on a teenager? Surface EMG?

    AGE: 18 Sex: M Height: 5'3 Weight: 75 kg Race: Asian Duration of complaint: 2 years and 2 months since i first twitched My twitch started 2 years ago and now it's all over my body mostly on my left foot no weakness though but I can twitching. Like when I put my feet on a cross position it gets...
  4. S

    Teenager, terrified of bulbar

    Hello. Firstly I'd like to thank you all for any time you're willing to give me, as I know writing these answers can be difficult. I sincerely thank you all. I am a 17 year old male. I started feeling like a can't say a "th" sound properly, like it lisps a bit. Sometimes when I'm talking I...
  5. S

    Teenager with ALS Fears

    Hello everyone, my name is San and this is the very first time I'm actually posting here on the Forums. To start off, I need to make clear that all of you who are currently fighting this terrible malady and all of you who offered your aid to a loved one in their fight against it have my greatest...
  6. B

    Trilogy at night

    It's been three months and I simply cannot sleep with my trilogy. I've tried countless times and the best I've done us about 20 minutes,then wake up for an hour or two, then try again and same thing. I just can't do it. I've been a light sleeper since I was a teenager. I've always averaged about...
  7. KatieNBoyd

    Perspective advice needed

    An interesting occurrence has me reflecting on my day. I have been taught to make my amends promptly when I am in the wrong. But, I have also been taught not to have to bow down and be stepped all over. So, I am not sure how or if I will properly word this in order to make myself or my question...
  8. gooseberry

    living in a hotel

    Living in a long term hotel with a forgetful, often confused hsband with als and an emotional teenager who believes we are destroying the only home he has ever known. Work has never looked so good. The renovations to our house began today....well the demolition phase.....everone is freaked and...
  9. C

    So afraid of bulbar - male teenager

    I'm 15 and for the past two weeks I've been pretty self conscious of my voice. I first slurred a few words in school which sent me off the deep end. I now a stuck on the fact that I have bulbar als. I look at my tongue and move it around as fast as I can and keep noticing small decreases in...
  10. B

    Could this be onset on early ALS?

    Hi everyone, I'm becca. I acknowledge peoples ignorance of knowledge that surrounds this life changing illness however am concerned with my symptoms and would appreciate honest feedback. Background information: I'm 19 years old, female, I do not exercise and spend most of my time at home or out...