
  1. KES_SLP

    MGH wants to learn how pALS make decisions about feeding tubes. Survey link included

    Study Purpose: The purpose of the research is to better understand the beliefs, preferences, goals and concerns surrounding feeding tube placement of people living with ALS. Study Eligibility: You are eligible to participate in this study if you are over the age of 18 and have been diagnosed...
  2. lgelb

    IMPACT-ALS survey

    Everything about this European implementation of a previous ALSA-funded US survey is bogus. Being published in a clinical journal and headlined in Mobility Management as "People with ALS Report 'Acceptable' Quality of Life" is just icing on the cake. To read this abstract is to appreciate how...
  3. Nikki J

    Online survey for PALS
  4. ShiftKicker

    For Canadians interested in Radicava

    The CADTH (independent advisory body Health Canada consulted with) has published its recommendations on Edaravone use in Canada based on their research and consultations with ALS patients, caregivers and other health professionals. From ALS Canada The report can be found here...
  5. G

    Survey on Veteran's use of PCs

    This is a survey on computer use (PC, laptop or tablet) by pALS or their full-time caregivers. It’s focus is Microsoft Windows but I need a complete picture, so if you use a different OS, such as iOS or Linux, please select the ‘Other’ Option: Other – No Windows here! The rest of the poll...
  6. K

    Research Study

    I lost my Dad, Jeff Long (who was active on this site), in October of 2015 to ALS. I am currently looking at the Infant Feeding Characteristics of Patients with ALS with the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. The information is listed on the National ALS Registry website...
  7. Atsugi

    The Admiral's Hat

    At daybreak every morning aboard his ship, the old admiral would slowly but mightily struggle against the wind to walk out to the ship’s bow and survey the sunrise. He would take off his hat, hold it in front of him, and mumble a few words. Suddenly, the admiral found a skip in his step, and...
  8. J

    Short survey

    Hello, we are looking for help with a short survey we are creating. This is a university project to help caregivers. It asks about making health care decisions for other people who cannot make their own decisions. Please take a moment to complete the survey. Please have in mind a specific...
  9. E

    ALS Survey - Please Take!

    Hello! My name is Emma Courtney and I am a Junior at Walnut Hills High School in Cincinnati, Ohio. This year, I am enrolled in AP Research, a year-long course that concludes in a final research paper, comprising of both research and our own investigation into a topic, that is used as the exam...
  10. lgelb

    ALS survey

    I'm no longer eligible, so don't know how good a study it is, but in case you're not on the mailing list: This initiative, titled IMPACT-ALS (Investigating and Measuring Patient And Caregiver Trends about ALS), is a collaboration with three industry partners (Biogen, Ionis, and Cytokinetics)...