slow progression

  1. C

    EMG question - comments please?

    Have no weakness been having twitching for 6 months Had EMG at Cleveland clinic July 7th stated that I had chronic inactive neurogenic changes in the intrinsic hand muscles and slight triceps. It was very extensive EMG a fasculation found in 1st dorsal . No fibs or sharp waves. EMG summary...
  2. Scotiaspirit

    Medical Cannabis in Canada

    To my fellow Canadian PALS. If you are taking or considering to take Medical Cannabis (Medical Marijuana) for your ALS or secondary symptoms as prescribed by your doctor, you may find that at least in some provinces that HST (Harmonized Sales Tax) or GST (Goods and Services Tax) are being...
  3. Lkaibel

    And So It Is...

    We were diagnosed this morning. As I think some part of me has actually known since April 2nd when he came and showed me that his left toes did not rise up as high as his right (drop foot) my husband was told he has ALS. We had a whole clinic day actually, and Brian is very interested in...
  4. tripete

    Progression of ALS and FVC values

    At my last clinic appointment my Doc made the comment that my progression as a whole had been relatively slow. This caused me to wonder why I was feeling the effects of it so prominently. As I have a lot of time to think, her comment began to irritate me as it did not seem to take into account...
  5. B

    A Question about Detoxification

    So I wanted to post this because I've been hearing about and reading about detoxing as a way to slow progression. On the site there are a number of stories of PALS who claim to have reversed als. I don't know how many of those have a validated dx, although I do know that after...
  6. JennyC

    ALS Progression

    My mom was just diagnosed with ALS and I'm curious about progression. I know that it is very personal, some people live for 20 years and some are gone in less than a year but I have no idea what constitutes rapid progression or what is considered slow progression. In November her hand felt...
  7. gooseberry

    things we learned today

    Steve started his VA assessment today. It will go thru Friday morning. Here are a few things we learned: Losses happen even when you dont know it. Being stubborn doesnt get you very far with this disease. Using your tools is what helps maintain independence. The more stubborn you are the...
  8. T

    Not sure if I should be doing more.

    Hello, This is my second post. I am a 44 year old woman. My symptoms started four years ago with foot drop. About three months after that I started having a severe problem swallowing solids and liquids. Since then, I have two podiatrists and my PCP along with a gastrologist. I have had muscle...
  9. L


    I joined the forum some time ago, but have not posted until now. Diagnosed over time by 4 docs and UT Southwestern. Total time now about three years. I'm still functioning with help to cut food, bath, and open things from my loving wife of 21 years, man now I truly get why old people are...
  10. L


    Hello everybody Thank you for the possibility to ask spezific questions about my symptomes. I can t imagine what you are going through. Thank you for your time! Since 2013 strange symptomes startet on my dominant side of my body: dropping small things daily, shoulder sank down, beginning...