sleep disorders

  1. D

    How did your symptoms first appear?

    I'm aware that in later stages of ALS symptoms present as True Weakness, but I was curious as to what many of you first experienced with ALS. I found an interesting website that describes three different types of weakness. Primary or true muscle weakness This shows itself as an inability to...
  2. M

    comments much appreciated very scared

    hi everyone im new here but have been reading for a while . I am 48 year old male .it started about a year ago noticed my calves slightly twitching and noticed some pains here and there throughout my body.the worrisome part was my twitching began to really get bad in my calves and I was having...
  3. shelleynshaggy

    Change is a brewing

    Hello Everybody ~~ I have been lurking in and out of the forum lately - just wanted to check in. The last couple weeks I have finally committed to our next big change - separate bedrooms. It has been an idea I have been chewing on for months - even buying myself a new comforter on Black...
  4. Lovely Laura

    Anyone been involved in a sleep study

    Hello Everyone, I am currently involved in a journey looking for an explanation or diagnoses to explain the numerous symptoms I have had since March of this year. I believe less and less that it is ALS but there are so many of you that have been through similar journeys I wondered if you may...
  5. Whitsend

    New Drug Test

    The following was sent to me today from someone who works at this hospital. This is a test for spinal cord injury patients. You may say, 'What's that got to do with us?" Well, a lot. Most spinal cord injury patients take a drug for spasticity such a baclofin or xanaflex. Those are the same...
  6. F

    Symptoms and other Possible Causes

    Hi Everyone, I applaud you all for fighting on and also for the compassion you share on this forum. I've been reading for a while and thought it was time to post before I lose my mind completely. I'm 43 (M) and a father of 1 son, with another (son) on the way this May. Live in NJ...