My partner, who is 55, was diagnosed with PBP on May 1st. His speech is not yet completely slurred but he is already having problems pronouncing certain words. He is contemplating not working anymore and applying for Social Security. Yesterday he stopped by our local ALS Association chapter...
Hi all, I've just joined from the UK. Mum was finally diagnosed with bulbar MND this March, having had deteriorating slurred speech since Dec 2013. One 'symptom' she is really struggling with is the sensation of a fine cut or hair being on the top of her tongue. This started suddenly 5 months...
Hello everyone,
I have been lurking in the forums learning as much as I can from all of you since May 1, when my partner of 14 years was diagnosed with PBP.
He is 55, I am 47 and we live in NYC. Back in December he noticed he had trouble pronouncing certain words, so he went to his doctor in...
My name is Pete. Recently diagnosed with PBP and PBA. Took several months to get that diagnosis. While it wasn't the best news it is better to know than not.
Looking forward to meeting group members and getting to know them better.
My wife was diagnosed with PBP last month. Her symptoms fist appeared almost 7 years ago with slurred speech which slowly got worse. Nothing else was affected for the first 3 years but she started to cough and have slight swallowing problems and some weakness in her feet and hands. She is still...
I have just been diagnosed with pbp and I feel like my life is in a whirlwind of change. I have taught for the last 16 years and now I am told, I cannot teach anymore. I am going through a variety of emotions. My family is wonderful and very supportive of me finding out more information. My...
So my husband has PBP..... Diagnosed last month, started showing symptoms september 2013. Speech was the first noticeable symptom or sign.
Since his diagnoses November 3rd, his depression has gotten worse. His drinking (alcohol) increased. He spends a lot of time feeling wore out. He was...
My dear Mother In Law, grandmother,great grandmother,wife and mother to all of us who love her was diagnosed with PBP the day before Thanksgiving. Our family is reeling with pain and disbelief. Finding this place was a God send! My Mother In Law is 80 biologicly but works like a 60 year old...
I posted a while back about my mother who had trouble swallowing and partial loss of speech / dysphagia back in december 2013 and we have now been through two EMGs, as her symptoms are more or less the same (although worsening a little bit).
The results look really bad yet the doctors do not...
Its been several years since I made inquiries about "Text to Speech" assistive devices for PBP. I'd like to start a discussion related to several questions. 1) Do people have favorite devices for use when you can still type on a keyboard? 2) What is their favorite supporting software for...