newly diagnosed

  1. B

    Message For Cartman

    "als for one year, but just diagnosed for sure at university in st louis---started with stiffness in hips and progressed to legs and arms---just now getting labored breathing---would like some info breathing progression--also first real notice of choking---have muscle pops all over body---very...
  2. L

    Reaching out

    I'm a 60-year-old professional journalist and I guess you'd say I'm almost newly diagnosed. I've had MRIs, blood tests and a lumbar puncture. An EMG is scheduled for next week. My neurologist noted on the lumbar puncture request a DX of ALS. And Thursday morning my primary care doctor...
  3. J

    Father newly diagnosed with als

    Could someone "please" Dad was diagnosed last week with als after seeing a neurologist for one appointment. He told my dad that he was almost 100% sure he had it but would order an MRI. He also told him that he would give him 3 years. Are there no other options for a 77 year old...
  4. L

    The ALS Patient Initiative

    Dear Friends, My family has supported the creation of a new ALS resources website, We hope it will help "newly diagnosed" patients as well as anyone needing resource information. We welcome comments in order to improve the website. Thank you ALL, Leslie
  5. L

    Detox updates anyone?

    Hi All- As a newly diagnosed PAL I've gone down the same road as many of you- looking for answers, searching the internet. My brother did the same thing, and he sent me the Eric Edney book which I immediately read cover to cover. I've read through all of the posts from last year on the...
  6. L

    fasciculations-relation to atrophy

    Hi All- I introduced myself on the other page (I'm newly diagnosed, pending some final elimination tests to rule out other possible causes). I'm 49 years old and have had symptoms for about 3 years- fasciculations, atrophy all up and down arms and into shoulders spreading into abdomen. My...
  7. J

    Team Help! needed.

    :arrow: Dear Editor Topic Health ALS. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (aka. Lou Gehrig's Disease) This disease must be made more aware of as statistics climb. ALS destroys motor neurons that are an important link in the nervous system, and through which the brain controls the voluntary...
  8. J

    information to the newly diagnosed.

    :idea: :idea: :idea: :shock: Topic Health ALS. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (aka. Lou Gehrig's Disease) This disease must be made more aware of as statistics climb. ALS destroys motor neurons that are an important link in the nervous system, and through which the brain controls the...