
  1. C

    Tongue fasciculations that I can see but can’t feel.

    Hello everyone, and thank you for your time to read this and respond. I will be making a donation when I get paid. I’m 28 years old and have had twitches for 3 months. And yes I read the thread that if I have twitches read this first. The problem is that I have terrible health insurance and...
  2. G

    My symptoms

    Hello everyone, my name is Greg. My heart goes out to everyone who has been afflicted with this disease and my thoughts and prayers are with all of you. Also, I want to thank everyone for giving g your time and efforts on posts such as ‘Do I Have Als’ your time and effort is greatly...
  3. K

    ALS symptoms?

    Hi all, I’ve been lurking for a while but have been hesitant to post because I don’t want to upset anyone by jumping the gun. I’ll try and make this short but I just need some insight into what I’m experiencing. It started with twitching that I noticed going on two months ago. The twitches...
  4. T

    Sinking - got a lifeline?

    Hi everyone. I apologize in advance for the length of this post. I’ve only been a registered user for less than 24 hours but am really impressed with the empathy and knowledge of posters and moderators. What a fantastic resource. I am on this site to not only utilize the nuts and bolts of...
  5. N

    Could this be ALS?

    Good evening. After reading the stickies, I am still left with some questions. Here’s where I am at— 1. I have had body-wide twitching for about 6 weeks. It seems to be mostly in my legs now, with some in my face , back, and arms (not often). The twitching occurs on both sides. Some days...
  6. G

    Father had Als concerned I do too

    Hello everyone, just want to say I am a firm believer of Jesus. So my symptoms started as having a hard time taking a deep breath and gasping for air. I went to the ER they took a chest xray and said it was asthma, they prescribed me a 6 day supply of steroids and sent me on my way. I took the...
  7. ShiftKicker

    For Canadians interested in Radicava

    The CADTH (independent advisory body Health Canada consulted with) has published its recommendations on Edaravone use in Canada based on their research and consultations with ALS patients, caregivers and other health professionals. From ALS Canada The report can be found here...
  8. F

    Could this be ALS?

    I will try to make this brief. Symptoms: *. Muscle twitching: started out in a few places about a month ago. Then increased all over. Now has decreased but in more specific spots (calves, thighs, abdomen, shoulder area). It seems almost as if the twitching is moving from lower body to...
  9. P


    Hello everyone thank you for reading this and I appreciate all the responses. Back in October i really honed in on my twitches, as in I googled. I’ve always had my twitches but after googling of course my head was down in a spiral. I’ve seen 3 PCP at my universal hospital and they all tested...
  10. P


    Hello everyone thank you for reading this and I appreciate all the responses. Back in October i really honed in on my twitches, as in I googled. I’ve always had my twitches but after googling of course my head was down in a spiral. I’ve seen 3 PCP at my universal hospital and they all tested...