muscle fatigue

  1. T

    Sinking - got a lifeline?

    Hi everyone. I apologize in advance for the length of this post. I’ve only been a registered user for less than 24 hours but am really impressed with the empathy and knowledge of posters and moderators. What a fantastic resource. I am on this site to not only utilize the nuts and bolts of...
  2. T

    Symptom Questions from 35/m

    Hello, I hope you are well or as well as possible. Thank you for checking this thread and thank you for making this section of the forum. It must be very difficult for some members. Your patience for those of us with questions is greatly appreciated. I've refrained from ALS symptom-checking on...
  3. M

    concern over recent symptoms

    Hi all, First of all, thanks in advance to anybody who takes the time to reply to my post. I am a 32-year-old caucasian man currently living in Los Angeles. My symptoms started about 8 months ago with some intermittent muscle twitching that I noticed on and off in my neck, biceps, legs, all over...
  4. M

    Concern over recent symptoms

    Hi all, First of all, thanks in advance to anybody who takes the time to reply to my post. I am a 32-year-old caucasian man currently living in Los Angeles. My symptoms started about 8 months ago with some intermittent muscle twitching that I noticed on and off in my neck, biceps, legs, all...
  5. C

    6 months in, new symptoms

    I posted to this forum a few months ago after my symptoms started. At that time I had neck stiffness and pain, body wide twitching but constant in my lower legs and some swallowing problems. Symptoms have come and gone over the past 3 months. My neck pain and stiffness dissipated. My...
  6. R

    Advice on symptoms - "weak" leg & twitching

    Hi All, Like many others on here, I have tried to avoid posting for as long as possible but would really appreciate your views on my symptoms based on your experiences. From what I have read, this site is a tremendous support and your are all very generous with your time. My summarized story...
  7. C

    Muscle fatigue that keeps getting worse

    Hi.. This is not my first time here but I had hoped I wouldn’t be back but I am so I will post what is happening now. So in 2017 because of some leg twitching I went to neuro and had clinical exam and 2 different emgs that all came back fine/normal. I should also state that I do have health...
  8. P

    Really worried about recent symptoms

    Hi guys, Really appreciate your time and admire your will so will try to keep it as short as possible. I am 26-year-old male. My symptoms started three weeks ago after couple of weeks of intensive workouts(not sure if related). Initially, it was a feeling of persistent weakness in my left...
  9. B

    Progressive Nerve Symptoms

    Hi All - Longtime lurker (seems the norm around this forum though, right?). 35 / M / Married with two young boys, 1 and 5. I wanted to start off with my prayers to those of you who are or have been impacted by this disease, and commend the strong community shown in these forums! Always been...
  10. T

    Muscle Fatigue before failure?

    Hello, Age: 33 Male I found this forum as many others have, researching symptoms that lead to possibility of ALS. I appreciate all help with my concerns, my anxiety has been through the roof for the past week. A place I've never been. My concerns: In Feb/March 2018 I started noticing two...