motor neuron symptoms

  1. H

    I'm Worried About My Symptoms

    Hi all! Thank for the creation of this thread. I've been lurking for a while, but have a few concerns now... A few years back I would notice fasciculations on my calves when getting home from work. I thought little of them at the time. Fast forward 2016. I was bit by a tick a contracted lyme...
  2. B

    Newly diagnosed

    Hello everyone, After having received a diagnosis of PLS 7 months ago, my doctor changed the diagnosis to ALS 2 weeks ago based on lower motor neuron symptoms. I've been on riluzole for 3 months, and just signed the paperwork to start radicava. My mind is definitely spinning at the moment, so I...
  3. B

    If not ALS, then What?

    I have been restraining myself from posting on an internet forum until i had all the medical info i needed help to moving foward with a diagnosis. i dont want to waste anyones time because i know a lot of people from this fórum are dealing with this horrible disease. Im here on behalf of my...
  4. S

    Post electric shock

    I had an electric shock in September. We are unsure how severe it was but I did not black out. Immediately after I had weakness in my arm and leg (my hand was the point of contact, opposite foot was exit point) and a tingling feeling up my forearm. This pain lasted a few months and subsided, but...
  5. S

    Newbie with some confusion

    My journey began nearly 30 years ago, when I woke up one morning and couldn't walk. I previously had a bullseye tick bite, and assumed Lyme disease. Every test taken since has been negative. I had symptoms come and go for many years, with exhaustion, stiffness, and leg weakness being my main...
  6. S

    Old and Diagnosed

    I am a 64 year old male and I was diagnosed with ALS in January 2016. My primary symptoms have been a progressive weakness in my arms. While the EMG says the legs are also weakening, I do not yet feel that. I also at present do not have any "upper motor neuron" symptoms. I have tried to get...
  7. M

    Intermittent Fasciculations

    It has been awhile since I have posted! I started my journey a little over 2 years ago and it has been verified that I do have Upper Motor Neuron issues, however, my question at this point is I realize there is a "time frame" for ALS (about 15 to 18 months from the start of symptoms) but I have...
  8. A

    I am, unfortunately, joining this group...

    Hello All, Unfortunately, a few weeks ago, I was diagnosed with ALS. It has been nearly 2 years since my symptoms started, very subtly in my right at first. I am 33 years old with a wife and a 5 year daughter. We are confident in my diagnosis, as I trust my doctors and we basically...
  9. ShiftKicker

    Questions to ask neuro

    Hello- I have read your sticky on what to post, and have viewed many of your past threads. There is a huge amount of information within this forum, and I am full of admiration for those of you who are struggling with your MND and are still keeping patience with those of us who have not yet been...
  10. TheMackle

    A Month or 2 with PLS

    Hello. First off I have been here a couple of times and have offended. I am sorry. I am not blaming the stress but for many of us in the prior to diagnosed stage it freaking sucks. So I apologize for my inappropriate behavior. My upper motor neuron symptoms progressed to the point when my...