mills syndrome

  1. C

    Mills Syndrome

    Hi everyone..I am new to this forum, but I have been searching for some type of support group. I was diagnosed with Mills Syndrome in June 2014. It was a long and tiring search (7 yrs), to come to my diagnosis. I saw 4 different drs., before seeing a ALS Specialist, who knew immediately what I...
  2. C

    Mills Syndrome

    Hi everyone..I am new to this forum, but I have been searching for some type of support group. I was diagnosed with Mills Syndrome in June 2014. It was a long and tiring search (7 yrs and lots of tears), to come to my diagnosis. I saw 4 different drs., before seeing a ALS Specialist, who knew...
  3. Green Queen

    Sydney Trip...take two

    It's been six months (5 1/2 really ) since we were in Sydney. We were told then either PLS or it's variant Mills Syndrome. We were told then to come back in 6 months. Well, here we are! We are staying at this...hotel...which to say it's quirky is a bit of an understatement. Carrah would...
  4. S

    Mills Syndrome?

    Hi I am new here. :confused:I was diagnosed with Mills Syndrome last week and cannot find hardly anything on the Internet about it. Does anyone know of a sight or have general information on this?
  5. Green Queen

    Sorry, I have questions

    Good morning all. As you know, I have a 'kind of' diagnosis of PLS or it's variant Mills Syndrome (6 neuros can't be 'kind of' wrong, can they?) Still waaay in early stages and even though I think I'm asking the right I? So, if anyone can answer these to the best you can, I would...