
  1. N

    Maybe our kids can benefit

    Woukldnt it be nice if we were the last generation to die of this disease? Piss me off big time but nice. Scientists identify new drug target to treat ALS Scientists identify new drug target to treat ALS Blue is the nucleus, cyan is hUPF1, green is TDP43, red is the cell body in this image...
  2. L

    First emg

    Good morning to everyone, I had my first EMG and NCV three days ago. Unfortunately results were not normal. The findings with EMG were diffuse distal denervation consistent with polyneuropathy and focal denervation of the Tibialis Anterior muscle. Sccording to the doctor, i have mild...
  3. K

    Does anyone think GM604 actually works ?

    Hi Does anyone think GM604 actually works ? I've had a look at the publicly available data and Genervon's website and it looks pretty flaky to me. Also I'm not sure a social media campaign can substitute for clinical data. Then again, I'm no clinician. I'm asking because I have discovered that...
  4. C

    Just diagnosed

    Hi All -- I received my second opinion diagnosis yesterday -- the doctor is planning to perform another EMG and spinal tap, but said he thinks it's ALS (he's a specialist in the field). As the news was confirmed (again), my heart sunk. I'm 40 years old and have two little kids. I haven't stopped...
  5. JimInVA

    Tobii Series 11 and Facebook...

    Darcey received her Tobii late last year. She could not use it at first as they neglected to provide her with a mount for her wheelchair. Now she has a mount and has begun to use it. One of her greatest joys is being able to communicate with her friends on Facebook (FB). As she still comes...
  6. U

    Symtoms only in left hand since 2 1/2 years - hand surgeon suspects MND

    Dear Forum members, I read the sticky and searched a lot in the internet, still I am not sure if I can exclude I have MND. That's my story. My symptoms started in the left hand around 2 1/2 years ago. First some uncontrollable muscle movement and then 6 month later the atrophy was visible. I...
  7. B

    Second thread, now with my Emg report

    First, I would like to apologize to each and everyone of you for my rude and inappropriate response to Clearwater. I was on prednisone and scared and frustrated. I got my emg results back Monday. I tried to post a picture of them but I'm computer stupid. Here is what it says. muscular build...
  8. Clearwater AL

    How wonderful...

    How wonderful... Mercedes Benz now has a 5 by 7 media screen in the middle of their dashboard. Now someone driving a Mercedes can run into you while watching their media screen, texting someone while changing a CD. Well... if they can afford a new Mercedes I guess they have good insurance and...
  9. MaxEidswick

    Nancy Frates note

    Nancy Frates with Pete Frates and 4 others Hi Everyone - Just returning from ALSA meeting in Tampa. Briefly here is my update: 1. I am overwhelmed to have met all the staff who work in National and all the Chapters around the US. Most of them have been on the horrific ALS journey with a loved...
  10. N

    A few questions-help

    First I want to thank you inadvance for taking the time to reply back. I have had a few concerning symptoms for the past few weeks and Dr. Google always points to ALS. However, I decided to reach out to this forum as I see that there are many knowledgeable people here. I am a 42 year old female...