
  1. K

    My Mother's Story

    This is my first post. I have been reading the forum for awhile and it has been just what I was needing. Sometimes when I wake in the night, I go to the computer and read for an hour or so, until I feel sleepy again. Last night I sobbed after reading Sara and Autumn’s threads. Here’s my...
  2. L

    Swallowing issues - a few answers

    about swallowing -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HI all, I'm a newbie and not diagnosed, but do work with neurological disorders and swallowing. In answer to you question Liz about swallowing: Depending on what muscles are being affected will...
  3. S

    ALS Symptoms?

    Hi Everyone, This is my first post. My name is Brian, and I'm 22 years old. Symptoms began at the beginning of May this year (2006). I began noticing a very strong urge to throw up/wretch/gag everytime I went to talk or project my voice, yawned, or finished eating. At first we thought it was a...
  4. R

    Mom diagnosed Monday

    Okay, new diagnose on Monday, let me catch my breath. My mom has lost feeling in right leg over past year, losing control of right leg, and seems to have back trouble. My dad's health is fragile due to heart and broken leg this summer. I am only child living in state. Aside from emotional -...
  5. W

    dad recently diagnosed

    Hi My 87 yr old father has recently been diaganosed with bulbar als. At the present time we have not given Dad a name to his disease. He has been told this is a progressive disease and symtoms will only get worse. His speech is very slurred. He is now eating pureed meals. I feel like I don't...
  6. C

    BULBAR ALS Questions

    Hi there: A very close family member has recently been diagnosed with Bulbar ALS. Very classic symptoms (swallowing issues, inability to understand her talk, coughing - minor; but thru meals, and incontrollable emotions ...laughing and crying, twitching of nerves in arms). Only 1 diagnosis has...
  7. L

    My program

    In the last six weeks I've read a ton of information about ALS/MND. I now believe I know more about it than most doctors:-) After considering my options, this is what I've decided to do as a starting program, reserving the right to alter or amend it as new information comes to me. I'd...
  8. Carol Deboer

    Hello to all, from Carol D.

    Hi everyone, Been busy lately, and haven't had much time to spend on the computer. Hope everyone is fine. I haven't heard from Johnny lately. Has anyone? TBear, do you know how he is? How are you? Finally, some hot weather. Yahoo! I hope we can expect it to last. Jane, how is your...