
  1. S

    Has anyone on here been diagnosed with ALS but turned out to be Lyme?

    Unfortunately on the 26th March this year I was diagnoses with ALS / MND we call it in the UK. I've been on here a few time. First in 2016 when my twitches started mostly in my legs and calf. The EMG then showed "nothing sinister". My muscle cramps and twitches started about 6-8 months after a...
  2. F

    No diagnosis but something is off

    Dear all, thank you very much for taking the time to read this and I wish all of you the very best. I have read the stickies and I know that a lot points away from ALS, however my neurologist cannot really tell me what is going on so I thought I'd ask. I don't know if it is related but in...
  3. E

    Is Lyme a scam?

    Hello everyone, We live in a zone where cases of Lyme are frequent. Recently, some people of my town diagnosed with MS / Parkinson's were treated with antibiotics for Lyme and improved. One of them suggested my father see a physician with expertise on infectious diseases. I was extremely...
  4. G

    Bulbar issues, fatigue

    Hello! First of all, I am really grateful for all the help of you, PALS and CALS, provide to us that are still lost in our medical conditions, and I respect you immensely for that. In August, my first symptomes occured. After a spasm that woke me up, my middle finger on my right foot started...
  5. K

    Help EMG results

    Hi Guys, First, I will start by apologizing for my bad English I am a 31 year old male who has had neurological symptoms in the last 5 months. It started with fasiculations and tightness in my left calf muscle. Soon after the fasiculations became widespread. I have them everywhere on my body...
  6. P

    Looking advice on diagnosis

    Hello dear people, First and foremost I have to say that I have utmost respect for everyone who replies to the posts of us health worriers - this forum has helped me immensely when looking for information about this terrible illness. My story is this, I am 28 years old male, I have got a PhD...
  7. K

    Neuromuscular referral

    This is just an update.. My GP is sending me to a neuromuscular specialist in Omaha. He is concerned about all my symptoms and simply stated “I’ve tested most things I can test, and it’s simply out of my knowledge range.”. I’m grateful for him, I had a pulmonary test that came back fine so...
  8. H

    Concerned about continued symptoms

    Thank you to all of you who monitor this forum and take the time and energy to respond to all of the guests with a million questions. I truly appreciate you listening and weighing in. It’s been a tough three months for me with lots of varying symptoms ranging from neck pain to brief low grade...
  9. C

    Worried and confused

    Firstly, I want you guys to know I appreciate you taking the time to read my story. I am a 37 year old male, father of a two year old and I am very concerned about the probability of having a bulbar ALS diagnosis. Symptoms and dates: 1st week July 2018: buzzing in brain for 10 second...
  10. W

    Worried sick about my husband

    Hello, Thank you in advance to anyone who responsds. I’m worried to the point of severe panic, not sleeping or eating about my husband. He’s been to his pcp had labs that were normal for Lyme and vitamin deficiency, being referred to Neurology. Symptoms: Does this sound like it could be ALS...