
  1. N

    Lump in throat constantly-feels like something stuck in throat.

    I had noticed about 30 minutes after dinner last night it felt like something was stuck in my throat-almost like food was lodged in there. I have drunk tons of water since then, hot drinks, eaten more food, and nothing will budge this stuck in throat feeling which has now been over 24 hours...
  2. KimT

    The finances of ALS

    We all know how expensive this disease is and how it can devastate one financially. I thought it would be good to start a thread of tips for dealing with the money issues of this disease. I know when I first suspected I had ALS, I needed to decide whether I would take my pension in a lump sum...
  3. S


    Ive had swallowing diffulties a few times this past month, and twice yesterday. I go to swallow and it just doesn't happen. I have to try again because The food won't go down. I don't have the problem with liquids. It has happened about 5x this past month. and a cough, even though that could be...
  4. G

    Scared I have ALS

    Hello, I'm sorry to be posting and taking up your valuable time. I have read the sticky however have a number of ongoing symptoms I am very concerned about. Apologies for the long post but I wanted to explain the situation from the beginning. This all started after I had my daughter in...
  5. C

    Please help me with your opinions and experience.

    Hello, First and foremost thank you for creating this site; the people who write here are heroes, truly. I know a number of what society would normally call heroes: men with medals on their chests etc, and the people who fight their own battle with ALS are no less heroic, even more so when they...
  6. F

    Many weird symptoms

    Hi everybody and thank you for the time and effort you spend in answering our anxious questions. First of all I need to say that I have never been hypocondriac and never really worried about health in general as I have always been healthy. It all started in august when I had a few nightsweats...
  7. C

    Extremely worried, only 19

    Hi all, I would like to first start off by saying that our thoughts and prayers are with you. In the past couple of months, I have been increasingly worried about my condition. I understand that I'm 19 and that ALS is extremely, extremely unlikely in my case, but my symptoms are starting to...
  8. K

    Epiglottis and Bulbar

    Hello, I have read the stickies and still have some questions. I have had body wide twitching for 5 months now. Clean emg. Two neuros said not ALS. BUT since those appointments I have had LPR like symptoms (chest pain sometimes, lump at back of throat, clicking noise when swallowing, etc)...
  9. B

    In limbo....body wide and bulbar

    Let me start by saying that I have read the sticky...and the information is terrific. Believe me, I've read it at least 25 times. I am experiencing some type of illness that has me very much on edge. I have yet to receive a diagnosis. I would love to have your valuable, first hand opinion...
  10. Z

    bulbar Symptoms getting worse..

    My Thread was closed, but my Symptoms getting worse. Please help me! ) 5 months ago i had 2 weeks of exzessive yawing. It went away, but i read that yawning is a symptom of bulbar. My doctor told me, that it would not went away if the yawning was from ALS and eczessive yawning comes later in...