
  1. Y

    26 Year Old Male Expecting Diagnosis

    Hi, long story, so bear with me. About 6 months ago I had an unexplained weight loss of about 30 pounds in about a month. I chalked it up to anxiety induced weight loss as I was dealing with some very stressful situations in life at the time and didn't think much of it. About 4 months ago I...
  2. P

    Is this early ALS?

    Hi people, my name is Paul and nice to meet you all thank you for allowing me into your community. May I please seek advice before I head to a Neuro... For the past 3-4 months, I have been getting crazy crazy twitches in my left arm and leg. When I lay on my bed the amount of twitching that is...
  3. S

    Am I developing Also with symptoms increasing?

    Hi all, I know you get a lot of hypochondriacs here claiming they have ALS and I hope I am not wasting anyone's time. When I have browsed forums about people asking do they have ALS many talk about symptoms coming and going and as I know ALS worsens over time and does not get better or do you...
  4. I

    Should I be worried

    Hello everybody! I have been thinking about this for two weeks and I really cant let it go. My mind is ruined because of all thinking. I sleep extremely bad I can not talk to anyone and I always have a lump in my throat because of all the concerns. I never thought I would be here and write in...
  5. R


    Hello I am new to this forum. I am in uk in Scotland not diagnosed but very very scared that I may have als. About 8 months ago I started to get pins and needles down one side of left hand and pinky which then went to feet in both legs. Not long after I started to get twitching in left hand...
  6. A

    Back after over a year

    Hello all, My name is Ashley I'm a 27 y/o nurse. I posted my concerns in 10/2016. I had had a normal emg as per my neuro with some polyphasic potentials on my right side. I had a new emg done in 7/2017 which my neuro stated was still normal and those same polyphasic potentials on my right side...
  7. J

    Another "Bulbar ALS?" Thread

    Dear all, Thanks to a wonderfully useful website to those who are affected by this horrendous disease. I do wonder if anyone who has been diagnosed with ALS has had the following course of events which I'm currently going through. My current situation is as follows: I am a 29 year old male who...
  8. Q

    Swallowing Issues (ALS Related?) Please Help.

    Hi, I want to start by saying I am aware that this is a very serious illness and am in no way trying to make a mockery out of it, however, I'm here because I'm trying to educate myself on the disease to better assess whether I have it, what my risks are etc. The last couple of months I've...
  9. B

    Fears of Twitching and Weakness

    Hi, I am new here although I have been reading some forums for a couple of weeks. Just wanted to get your opinion on my symptoms: Started with a chills sensation that lasted three days along with pins and needles on my head in May but stopped after that. This followed with some hard headaches...
  10. E

    18 and scared I have all the symptoms

    Hi, I don't wish to waste anyone's time but for the past week I've had some progressive worrying symptoms. I noticed the fasciculations mainly in my legs and feet but occasionally in other areas too. I then started getting pain mostly in my fingers but extending into my arms and legs, mainly on...