
  1. R


    Hi - I do know that I am not the only one here with this problem. Is this really an ALS problem and if so, do you know why? I don't want to take sleeping pills, any other suggestions?..................ruby from vanouver (surrey)
  2. J

    New to site

    Hi, I have just found this site and am very impressed with all the compassion and insightful thoughfulness so many of you show. It is comforting to know there are others that are so willing to impart their knowledge. I am 51 and am having so many similiar symptoms so many of you have...
  3. S

    How is ALS actually diagnosed?

    I am currnetly going through a round of tests, and while my neurologist has not said he is looking specifically at ALS, the research that I have done indicates that ALS is one of the diseases that match my symptoms. I had an MRI of my brain on Thurs. On Monday, I will have an MRI on my spine...
  4. S

    How is ALS actually diagnosed?

    I am currnetly going through a round of tests, and while my neurologist has not said he is looking specifically at ALS, the research that I have done indicates that ALS is one of the diseases that match my symptoms. I had an MRI of my brain on Thurs. On Monday, I will have an MRI on my spine...
  5. B

    How Aspartame Causes Lou Gehrigs

    Aspartame and Lou Gehrigs disease Aspartame damages the cardiac conduction system and causes sudden death. The article below (Team Targets Sudden Cardiac Death) might as well have been written about this toxin because it describes the problem this killer causes. Tragic reports from Iraq...