
  1. C

    Sick and frustrated /pending diagnoses

    You are an amazing group. Your posts have helped me through a very rough three months of symptoms and no diagnosis. After ending up in a ball in my backyard weeping 30 minutes ago, it seemed a good enough time for my first post. Perhaps given the length of my first post, I will be banned from...
  2. Erika

    Staying positive but definetly overwhelmed

    Hello, ..... I'm not sure where to begin. I've never written or have been part of a support group, but I know I need advice and maybe vent a little. My name is Erika and my mom was diagnosed with ALS last June. Her symptoms began with her foot dropping about 2 1/2 years. Her symptoms...
  3. Y

    Possible ALS at 17?

    I've been having really weird symptoms in the past few weeks. I started off thinking that it was possibly a brain tumor, but now I'm worried that its ALS. I'm not going to talk about the irrelevant symptoms, which have disappeared a while ago, but yesterday, I started to notice that all my arms...
  4. J

    odd soreness on right side

    28 year old male. Noticed about a month ago that my tricep in my right arm would burn doing menial things such as holding the phone and typing. Then about a week later i noticed my right leg was experiencing some soreness and felt it tired easily when going up steps. This is primarily restricted...
  5. T

    Qualifying for Disability

    Good morning, I am new to this group; and haven't spent a ton of time because the reading makes me want to hide! I was diagnosed with bulbar onset ALS in June of 2015. At the time I was dealing with slurred speech and swallowing probkems. Now, 8 months later, I cannot speak, soft foods only...
  6. K

    A 6 month journey: Is this bulbar MND?

    Hello everyone. Firstly I would like to thank you for this forum which gives hope to those who are new to or awaiting anxiously for a diagnosis. Secondly I want to say how I respect all contributors who highlight the strength and positivity that people can show even in the most difficult of...
  7. Nuts

    The Middle of the Night Club

    Finally tonight my sweetie is sleeping--not up several times watching TV, asking for food and drink (he's always hungry), knocking things off his table or suffering in pain. Apparently I'm trained now to be awake from midnight till 3, because here I am, wide awake for no good reason. ARGH...
  8. H

    New diagnosis

    My sister was just diagnosed with ALS (bulbar, I believe), and she is already having difficulty speaking and swallowing so it can be hard to understand her, and she runs the risk of aspiration when she eats or drinks. She is also tripping and falling frequently, and she doesn't seem to be able...
  9. A

    Anxiety or ALS

    Hello. Please, If I am out of line, I apologize. I truly want to help. From what I can see, and hear from the experts, a large majority of people who come into the DIHALS, including myself, suffers from anxiety. I thought it might be helpful to add a few symptoms of Anxiety, that can mimic...
  10. C

    Couple of Pathalogical Reflexes, Clean EMG..What's going on here?

    Early 30s,male, slim athletic build, with long history of metabolic issues and chronic insomnia stemming from from stress and anxiety. 3 Months ago I was trying to go to bed and I had widespread rapid vibrations/twiches all over my face and head. They then seemingly spread to all over my body...