
  1. Clearwater AL

    The common Flu can be serious....

    PALS and CALS take the common Flu seriously. It can be as serious as COVID and Pneumonia. I spent two days in the hospital. My PCP got me admitted into the hospital immediately. I was lucky to get a room. The floor I was on was full. They wanted me to stay a third day… but they were desperate...
  2. R

    Worried Teacher

    Hello, I am worried that I might have ALS. I am a 27 year old female. My first symptoms began about 1 month ago with weakness in my arms. About 12 days ago I began having twitching throughout my body. The twitching began everywhere including, arms, legs, hands, back, stomach, butt. Over the...
  3. K

    17 year old male fast progressing als symptoms

    hello everyone, first and foremost i want to say that to all of you living with als, you guys are an inspiration and you guys are all warriors, i mean no disrespect by this post just treally concerned and any bit of answers would help a lot! so the last 2 months i have just constantly been...
  4. worrieddaughter77

    My dad is still kicking, but recently got the flu.

    Hello, Sorry I've been away from the forum for a long time. Two teenagers, one baby, and full time care of my dad (shared with my mom) was tough.. And then... We decided to move from the USA to Finland. It was my husband's idea actually... He dragged us in June 2018 because he thought we could...
  5. C

    Lost Dazed and Confused

    Hubby was diagnosed in Apr 2018. Had an accident in December and is no longer walking. Got the flu right after Christmas and was sicker than anything for 2 weeks. Took him to Dr. on Monday no fever, no HBP, said he was feeling good. Got him home from Dr. (we live almost 150 miles from VA)...
  6. C

    Strange ongoing Symptoms help if possible appreciated thanks

    In advance i would to say the people giving help on here is very generous depending you go out of your way to help people with their own concerns. If anyone can be of help that be great. Firstly (i know people probably are going to tell me the risk is incredibly low as it is due to this but...
  7. A

    My story

    Hi all. Here's my story. Please let me know what you think. Thanks in advance. I am 55 female. Started having finger, hand, and toe cramping at least 17 years ago. I also had body wide twitching. Was worried cuz I was due to have a kidney transplant surgery with general anesthesia and was...
  8. S

    Really worrying symptoms for ALS

    Hi Im 48, male from the UK. I'll keep this short. Im worried sick i have als. Around 6 months ago i noticed knee pain when bending in both knees. Around a similar time i noticed it needed a bit more exersion to raise from a chair. It was the knee pain that hurt though when raising rather...
  9. M

    Please read this - serious now and I think I know what's caused it

    Hi. Please bear with me here. I am 39, male. Weight trained very seriously since 16 and in the summer weighed about 250lb. I have always been in perfect health until this year. Back in August I started getting muscle twitches randomly across my body and pretty bad fatigue, along with tight...
  10. Chincoteaguer

    Started the morphine

    Started giving Sibyl morphine @ 4pm yesterday. Instructions say 0.5 ML every 4 hours but I waited until 3:30 this morning for the second dose. Also giving her lorazepam after discussing with hospice nurse. She is resting comfortably but very shallow breathing. Thru the tube the morphine...