
  1. J

    Good emg feom neurologist but PCP suggests a second opinion???

    I had previously posted on here (it said my thread was closed?) I did have the emg done which was good. I let it go and accepted the diagnosis of fibromyalgia from my rheumatologist and neurologist. Now here we are a few short months later and my PCP wants to send me to another neurologist for...
  2. C

    33 Male major anxiety about symptoms

    I have read the stickies, and have tried to hold back, and not ask, because I feel horrible asking people who actually have ALS if my symptoms sound like ALS. My story is kind of long, but I will keep it as short as possible. I have suffered from major anxiety since 2007. I have been on and...
  3. J

    28 years old and no idea where to turn.

    These symptoms started in December of 2015. I had my daughter in March of 2015. Since then I've had a slew of tests and symptoms. They started by ruling out my heart, then my lungs, and now here i am July of 2016. My entire body feels as if Iran 6 miles and my muscles are aching and they feel...
  4. M

    Un-diagnosed for 7 years - recap and update

    Hello everyone, I have stayed off this forum for a while as I do not have an ALS diagnosis and I wanted to avoid being disrespectful by bringing up conditions that probably don’t scratch the surface of what some of you are going through. However, I was exchanging a number of visitor messages...
  5. S

    Looking for advice

    February 20th I noticed a twitch/spasm where my arm meets my shoulder, which was on and off for the next few hours. I was laying in bed when I first became aware of the situation, went to the mall to distract myself and it sorta worked but the spasm/twitches where still present. I figured it...
  6. KimT

    Levels of B Vitamins

    First, I've not started taking IM B-12 yet. I see my doctor again on Monday. My local neurologist has an interest in DNA testing for various things. He doesn't charge for this part of the blood work. He is in favor of my starting IM B-12. I've been taking sub lingual B-12 for awhile so I...
  7. WendyWooG


    Hi everyone I hope I have started this in the correct place. I am 48, mum of two grown up daughters and have a 3 year old granddaughter. In Feb 2015 people were asking me why I was limping, I hadn't noticed, had no pain just couldn't go on tiptoe on right leg. I also was getting a bit...
  8. O

    Was on here a few months back but now doctors suspect ALS

    Hi there, I was on here a few months back ( i have pasted my old message at the end for reference ) since then seems like the right side of my body kept getting worse, im at that point where my right leg keeps twitching all various spots all the time, my right arm doesn't twitch as much but has...
  9. N

    Need advice

    Hi, I'm a 35 year old man with a history of being overweight. I was 396 lbs before I stopped drinking all night and began working out regularly about 7 years ago. I dropped about 190 lbs within a year and a half and through the years have managed to maintain it give or take a fluctuation of...
  10. D

    Concerned about symptoms...

    Hello all, I have been a lurker on your forum for the past couple of weeks. I have been amazed by how informative and compassionate people have been. I am hoping you will read and comment on my story. Just over a year ago, I developed hip pain I walk (A LOT!). At first, I thought it was...