37 years old. In May of 2017 I began having fasicularions and my reflexes were described as brisk. My EMG had this snippet:
"Increased insertional activity, fibrillation, or positive sharp wave potentials suggestive of active denervation were noted in the bilateral FDI foot muscles in...
Keeping it short, I have three questions.
1. I’ve had two emg’s done by two different neurologists. I didn’t think the first one was done correctly and I’m worried the second one wasn’t either. The second neurologist did the emg at my request because of my ALS worries and also to test the...
I have been having muscle twitches for over a month now widespread.
Neurol exam was normal and having emg in 2 weeks.
My question: my twitches are always felt but not seen? Is this normal?
I have read about fibrillation, can you feel fibrillation?
Thank you for your time.
Could someone share thoughts?
Nerve conduction normal.
Occasional fascic. present in right FDI, right gastrocnemius and right personal muscles.
Increased insertional activity with fibrillation potentials and positive waves in the tibialus anterior muscle.
Motor units in the Right EIP, FDI...
Hello, I have a question about my condition - I have quite a lot of fasciculations (thighs, calves, shoulders, hands, face, chest, back, little "feelable jolts" time to time on tongue, sometimes even inside of my ear - drum and sometimes I can see flickering in my eyes similar that I see...
Greetings to all! I am a first time poster and I want to thank you all in advance for your patience with me, my poor speeling and for any knowledge/support you offer!
I have not been officially dianoised with ALS! I am concerned though that it is just a matter of time. I have been to the...
Hello Everyone,
First of all I apologize to anyone if they have this, I mean no offense. Just wanted to list my symptoms and see if anyone thinks this is cause for concern. I am seeing my doctor on the 18th but I have been very nervous about my symptoms.
Background, I am a 23 year old male...
Hi there,
I'm after a little advice please. I started having leg numbness 3 weeks ago which has since progressed to full blown muscle fibrillation all over my body. These can sometimes be seen as a twitch or jerk, and also felt by myself and not seen as such ie calf muscle. My feet are so cold...
Hello dear all! I just want to make an update. It has been a bit more than 3 years since my symptoms started. From the begining i have body widespread twitching, i have weird sensations on moj tongue, it started to apear assymetryc few months ater twitching happend. All my problems from day one...
Hi there,
I'll try to keep the background brief:
- Nov 2015 started twitching
- Multiple clean EMGs through Aug 2016
- One fib detected in right quad in Aug 2016 (subsequently went away)
- Had episode of ankle weakness in Oct 2016 - diagnosed as peroneal neuropathy via NCS/EMG (no fibs there...