feeling weak

  1. M

    Worrying Symptoms

    Hi all. Wanted to say hello and express how much respect I have for everyone here after reading through many posts in which people were helping and reassuring others. It's heart warming to see. Over the past three weeks I have developed muscle weakness, twitching and fatigue. Starting in both...
  2. M

    Symptoms and guidance please

    I'm 33 year old female, perfect health until now. Months ago, very occasionally I started feeling weakness in my left hand, not able to grip. I didn't pay much attention, until it got worse. My left hand is very weak now and unable to pick up anything heavy, also fingers move slowly. It's...
  3. B

    Im down in the rabbit hole

    Hello everyone 38 years old 75kg with no family history. I'll try to make my story short. Last year I had a couple of months of very very high stress for the fear of having (thanks doctor Google) a colon cancer, then stomach cancer then pancreas cancer due to a pain on the left side which...
  4. M

    Bulbar onset ALS?

    Hey guys, nice to meet you all. I'm a 21 year-old male with severe case of hypochondria. Being a hypochondriac, whenever my muscle twitched or felt weak, I always dreaded that I have ALS. But not a long time ago I found this site and read the stickies and that really helped me a ton. now I know...
  5. M

    Update and query

    I'll spare you most of the details, but twitching started in late November 2015. Started in left calf but rapidly progressed to all over (more in lower body though). Twitching has pretty steadily gotten worse over two years - more new twitches have come than old twitches have gone. I'm 42. I...
  6. D

    What could it be besides ALS?

    Hello everyone. Before I begin I'd like to apologize in advance for potential grammar mistakes because english is not my mother tongue. I'm here because of my friend who has been suffering from symptoms which are very similar to the symptoms of ALS for about a year now. I'll try to describe it...
  7. C

    Do I have ALS?

    My name is cade and I’m 15 years old. A couple days ago I started feeling weak in my right arm and then it spread to my right leg. It is also difficult to type with my right thumb due to it feeling slowed. I do have self-diagnosed anxiety or hypochondria. I have been feeling tired a lot more...
  8. S

    What is this?! Please help...

    Hi Everyone, This is my very first forum I have ever done. I’ve debated for quite some time now about posting so here goes nothing. I’m a 33year old female. I have 3 small children. I know something is going on with my system but I don’t know what. Last spring I got massive head fog and body...
  9. R

    Afraid it might be ALS

    Hi!Sorry about my English.I am from Romania.After a very stressfull period and a viral infection, I have started feeling weakness in my left leg.I have done two emgs.In first one the doctor found chronic denervation in my left leg(large muaps with high aplitude-33% polyphasic in left peroneum...
  10. A

    Thank you very much

    Hello everyone, I've had a rough couple days. It started with a significant pain in my lower right leg a day after working out for the first time in 6 weeks as I had a nasty viral infection. That didn't last too long, but it turned into a feeling of weakness in my lower leg and lower arm...