I posted here in 2021 about fasciculations all over my body. I did not have any noticeable weakness at the time.
In the ensuing years I have felt fine. Fasciculations continued and I assumed I had BFS and moved on.
I’m a little concerned again because I have definite clumsiness in my right...
Previous thread
Hi everyone, 36F here. I started a new thread because I believe my old one was deleted in the interim. I originally posted here about swallowing difficulties and ongoing leg numbness starting in mid 2022. These symptoms are gone and have been attributed to long Covid, the...
I discovered in one of our early visits to the neurologist that I was using the medical term - fasciculations, incorrectly.
Fasciculation - a brief, spontaneous contraction affecting a small number of muscle fibers, often causing a flicker of movement under the skin. It can be a symptom of...
I am a bit surprised that my fasciculations are becoming painful. They might be a 3 or 4 on the pain scale, sometimes it can cause a gasp due to the surprising cramp that can persist for a minute or more.
The standard twitching is just annoying. Is this pain an expected part of the...
Guys I'm so sorry to post but after my normal EMG test now I'm having serious fasciculations at my injection sites. They are just going going going. Woke me up out of a somewhat sound sleep.
Please forgive me but I didn't know where else to go about this. I know pain is a common side...
After reading a lot, searching a lot, I realized something that definitely reassured me. I thought it might help other people who are anxious ... (Sorry for my english, it's not my first langage :) )
ALS combines problems of upper and lower motor neurons. Each pathway has its own...
About 3-4 years ago I came to this forum and asked the dreaded question "Do I have ALS". I had some fasciculations and cramping in my feet, balance issues, spasticity in both legs and slight speech changes. I was assured by members that my symptoms were NOT symptoms of ALS and I went merrily...
do i have als
foot drop
symptoms of als
Hello everyone, and thank you for your time to read this and respond. I will be making a donation when I get paid. I’m 28 years old and have had twitches for 3 months. And yes I read the thread that if I have twitches read this first. The problem is that I have terrible health insurance and...
I want to share my story. I have seen many doctors in many specialties (including many neurologists), and nobody can help me. I'd like to ask (1) if this sounds like ALS, (2) if this sounds like another motor neuron disease of any kind, or (3) what else it could be and where else I might look...