do i have als

  1. K

    Worried If This is ALS

    Hi All, This is the Time Line 2006- When I was doing exercise, I felt that the right leg is tired more than left. Then I saw that my right hand was a bit weak compared to left. Went to Several Doctors, they did EMG/EEG/MRI/NCV etc.. Everything was normal and they said it is nothing. Years...
  2. J

    Help. Symptoms are terrifying me. 31 y.o. make.

    3 weeks ago while on vacation I develop tingling on outside of left foot and hand. Week 2 That continued and turned into pain in left arm and cramping along inside and outside of elbow into hand ( ulnar nerve ?). This limited mobility in my hand and cramped my thumb, pinky and ring finger. Pain...
  3. S

    Do I have ALS at age 18 ?

    Hello, I am an 18 year old guy, a hypochondriac to be honest. 2 Months ago, I developed knee pain, and foot stabbing. It felt like electricity I think. I thought I had bone cancer. I was stressing out about it. It got better with movement, and I forgot about it for a week - I really dont think...
  4. Atsugi

    Hand pictures atrophy and videos of hands or tongues

    Many people asking "Do I have ALS" have posted videos and photos of their hands and their tongues to ask us if we agree there is atrophy. Because of this, I look at my hands and feet and arms and legs a lot. And over the years, they have changed significantly, even remarkably. Sometimes my...
  5. B

    Cleared of bulbar?

    Hello everyone, I have lurked here for a couple months now, and taking the advice of many people here, I did not go to my doctor saying "Do I have ALS?" I presented my symptoms, and he did an EMG looking for something completely unrelated to ALS. Before I continue I will admit that like many...
  6. A

    Parkinson's and FALS?

    Hello, I wanted to know about the value of getting genetic testing for my mother, who is 79 and in the final stages of ALS, and for me, a 40 year old father of 2. My maternal grandmother was diagnosed with Parkinson's in Asia at the age of 58. This was in the 1970's. she developed dementia...
  7. R

    Neurologist Scheduled May 18th

    For all of the people who have told me to get off this site or Why am I here? I apologize to you and ask you to disregard this post unless you have kind insight. This is for Nikki, Laurie, and Mike...and a few others who have helped me along the way. I have scheduled an appointment for May 18th...
  8. A

    Do I have als???

    Hi. Hope you're doing well Im 21 from philippines. My english is not good so please bare with me. 2 years ago I notice that my smile is crooked assymetrical ang lately I have been experiencing hamd clawing maybe around 5 secs after I woke up around once a week. I don't know if my hand...
  9. D

    Do I have als sorry for grammar

    I had 2 emg ask guy who did it is everything fine yes said could be als both times he said no reason I'm hear is cause him and my doc said if you have good emg you don't have als i had weekends in arm last night hard to hold phone but still could I think if I wanted to like I didn't drop it...
  10. S

    Do I have ALS ?

    I have been having muscle twitches for 6 months. There isn't a sign of muscle wasing, weight lost, or any weakness. Fasciculations started out small, it began from my spine, and now it's everywhere. For the last two months it spreaded to my head and limbs. Fasciculations starts in one spot and...