
  1. L

    Strict diet recommended by Naturopath

    Hello everyone, I’ve recently started seeing a Naturopath as I’m wanting to take a more holistic approach to my health/MND. She has put me on numerous supplements beyond what I’ve already been taking, is wanting to improve my gut health, which is good, and made recommendations regarding my food...
  2. V

    Fasting diet caution

    There have been several posts supporting fasting to improve autophagy - a cleanup process that helps sort aggregated proteins. I think this is a bad idea for ALS. I have C9orf72 mutation. New data suggests that this mutation inhibits the autophagy process in the starvation state. Other data...
  3. L

    Your avarage DIHALS?

    Dear forum users, I've read over several threads and you are so patient and kind to everyone that visits, I take my hat off to you. I tried my best not to post here, telling myself I am silly for thinking and regret the day I thought it would be a neat idea to Google my symptoms (this should be...
  4. Lkaibel

    The Next Part of the Journey

    So, here I am exactly one week out from my husband's death. It was really only after he actually passed that I have started to realize the absolute hellfire we went through together. There was beauty, love, and moments of joy for sure. I am very sure I never felt closer to or loved another...
  5. B

    Worried About Symptoms

    Hello! Thank you for allowing me to post this on this forum. I really appreciate any insight! About a year ago, I was diagnosed with a gluten sensitivity, hiatal hernia, and too much stomach acid. I was placed on a medication and a gluten-free diet. After a few weeks, I noticed some twitching...
  6. S

    No diagnosis - Nervous after 6 months

    I’m concerned about my symptoms I’ve been facing them for just under 6 months. Let me start out by saying that my life is very stressful. I manage about 500 people all over the world. The ups and downs of corporate politics are very impactful and my stress level in the last 6 months has been...
  7. S

    Anxiety? ALS? Long read, sorry!

    First, let me preface this by saying I am 100% a hypochondriac. I constantly think something is wrong with me and even if someone says something jokingly to me (which is how this whole ALS suspicion started) I freak out about it. To be honest, I haven't seen my doctor about these issues yet as...
  8. J

    Judgement day coming up...

    G'day everyone. So it's coming up to a year now since I've first been on here - you can read my following threads (though I really don't advise this): Another "Bulbar ALS?" Thread Ongoing ALS concerns... I am now a 30-year-old MD currently living in Australia. I know on my last thread I said I...
  9. KimT

    Multiple Medical Issues

    I wasn't sure if I would post this at all. After deciding I had no idea where to post it but, for me, it feels like a rant/complaint so here it is. Since my diagnosis I've always believed that I should take good care of my general health, get some good sun each day possible, get some light...
  10. B

    Revisiting the Neurologist

    To preface — I’ve read the READ FIRST posts, so I hope all details below are relevant. 29 year old, smoker for 8 years. About 3.5 years ago I noticed minor tightness in my throat that I payed no attention to at first. Over the course of time I became more aware of slightly labored breathing...