compassionate access

  1. E

    Cytokinetics Phase II, early success!

    Ralph and I are in the NC Trial and have had similar results. To help every PAL please consider: - Purchase a few shares of Cyto stock to add to your clout when requesting early access. It is only $1.00/share. I bought a few weeks ago at $1.00, now up to $1.08. Who wants to join Ralph/Wanda...
  2. Sequoia

    We need 2 volunteers from every state!

    We need an active PALS or CALS for every state to join us in the effort to get compassionate early access to new drug therapies for every PALS. Then we can form a network of activist volunteers who will see this dream into reality. ALS Treat-Us-Now! is recruiting one volunteer, and one...
  3. E

    ALS-Treat us Now!

    Sequoia suggested and she is correct...see her suggestion and the 1500+ post she is referencing here below: Ed Ed this is great news 1500+ I just hope that everyone on this Forum will sign the petition. I sent a Christmas letter to all my contacts asking them to sign. But I see that not many...
  4. E


    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all. Ted and I know 2012 will be the year we reach a tipping point...from ...there is no cure,... to many trials already showing Treatments that work...join us by signing our petition and volunteering to help, or recruiting someone to help. Our Mission...