
  1. I

    ALS first symptoms

    Hi all, a couple of weeks ago I had an intractable headache for about 14 days . It got so bad I finally went to the ER where I was admitted for a week to try and get it under control. They performed CT scans of my Brain, a spinal tap, and a brain MRI. Everything looked okay, but after...
  2. C

    Extremely worried, only 19

    Hi all, I would like to first start off by saying that our thoughts and prayers are with you. In the past couple of months, I have been increasingly worried about my condition. I understand that I'm 19 and that ALS is extremely, extremely unlikely in my case, but my symptoms are starting to...
  3. BlsdMama

    Does it sound like ALS?

    Have had a spastic/rigid muscle above the knee for a while now. But now I'm having a problem with foot drop/drag - about two months. Have tripped and actually fallen twice, but most of the time it just causes me to stumble. Went to family doctor - no noted issues, referred to neuro. Took a...
  4. T

    Terrified about my progessing symptoms- muscle loss, spasms, tingling

    I have been pretty much paralyzed from fear ever since these symptoms started showing up and I could really use an opinion. I know this is very long and rambling, you will roll your eyes since my symptoms appear due to injury, not disease, but please hear me out. I cannot get the thought of...
  5. L

    What is going on

    Hi everyone, am a 29 year old female nursing my 10month baby. It all started some months back i noticed weakness and muscle pain then twitching then it stopped. Then my right hand was so weak couldnot even lift it . So i went to several doctors and the first neurologist pushed me away. After...
  6. M

    Just looking for support. Does anybody have Cerebral Palsy AND MND?

    I don't know if I have ALS or some other MND, but my doctor mentioned ALS at my last appointment because my progression now indicates both upper motor neuron and lower motor neuron degeneration based on my hyper reflexes, clonis, fasiculations and tremors. Here is my backstory: I was a breech...
  7. G

    Everything pointing to ALS

    Hi, I am not a worrier of individual symptoms so only posting because everything has built up so significantly and everything pointing to ALS. My biggest concern is the continuous rapid progression. I am 38 years old and based in Norway. Going on 10 months now with progressive symptoms...
  8. L

    Could this be Als

    Hi I am wondering if someone could help? I am a 36 year old female. I had my third baby 9 weeks ago. During pregnancy I started noticing my left eye felt strange. It then progressed to the muscles on left side of my face feeling tight. Everything moves normally. Due to having headaches aswell...
  9. JennyC

    Breakthrough in Communication Device
  10. S

    Need some Advice regarding my symptoms

    Hi there everyone, its been almost 2 years since i last logged on here, i always hoped i would never have to come back but unfortunately i have found myself in a position where i need a bit of advice from all of you. As mentioned in my post 2 years ago, i had started experiencing some...