brain injury

  1. pscheffel

    Less and Less Freedom

    My Mom has some confusion associated with the ALS, but also had a brain injury about 16 or so years ago that created a blood clot requiring surgery to remove it. I spoke with the ALS clinic last week and was told these are a factor in my Mom being confused and having FTD. She is not to the point...
  2. S

    Permobil C300 Power Chair Tilt Recline Seat Lift Legs, Loaded

    My father used this chair and while was not an ALS patient he had a brain injury which basically paralyzed him for the past 14 years of his life. He past in Sept 2011 and I am not sure exactly what to do with the items like this Permobil chair so I am listing here hoping it could go to good use...
  3. AKmom

    Baclofen and mental changes...

    can baclofen that is by mouth, cause cognative problems? Has anyone encounter this? I have been on it now since summer of last coming up on a year. I have had some cognative problems that were related to a brain injury (specifially my math computation skills, and both long and short...
  4. R

    seeking dynavox v max with eyemax

    I am searching for a fairly new dynavox for my 20 yr old son who has a traumatic brain injury and can not commmunicate, he has been tested on this device and it worked well for him. i am trying to find a used one. thank you Dana Johnston [email protected]
  5. AKmom

    Newbie with questions....

    Hi All! I have been reading alot of this forum for quite a few days now. I have not officailly been diagnosed with PLS but the more I read the more it sounds like my problem. Please bare with me will explain my plight and then I will ask some questions. I am now 51 years of age but have had...
  6. DgtofTNfan

    Wheelchair Specifications

    A recent post on here indicated that a PALS had a power wheelchair however the seating system did not include some features that would have been beneficial for care. In another thread a member had mentioned looking at scooters and quickly learned from this great community to skip the scooter and...
  7. L

    Hubby does not have ALS!

    I posted a few times on this site with questions and concerns over my dh illness and it's been 3 years of back and forth w/o diagnosed, until now. We have just been told that he has a brain injury caused by encephilitis that went undiagnosed at the time. He will not be able to improve or...
  8. A

    New Member-student

    Hi, I am a 2nd year occupational therapy student and I was hoping to join this support group so that I can learn from real-life perspectives of people affected (in one way or another) by ALS. I have a strong interest in pursuing a career in neuromuscular rehab when I graduate (May 2006. I have...