
  1. L

    Family not getting needed help for mom with bulbar ALS/FTD

    Hi all, This is my first time posting and I'm glad there's a supportive community here. I'm posting because my mother has Bulbar ALS with FTD. She was diagnosed approx 2 years ago and as of now, cannot eat (has a PEG) right hand almost useless, left hand getting there, extremely slurred speech...
  2. tripete

    Another breathing question

    There have been a lot if questions about breathing and I wanted to ask another that is related but different do I thought I would start a new thread. My ALS presented with breathing problems caused by my diaphragm weakness (according to Dr), as this is usually near the end for most PALS, is it...
  3. smoochiegal

    need some encouragement

    Good morning all, Yesterday was a weepy day. I just kept thinking about how much this disease has taken already and it seems that we have only just begun. I miss going out to dinner with my husband. I miss holding his hand while sitting together watching TV. I miss him. He is still able to...
  4. smoochiegal

    bipap machine

    Good morning all, Hubby had a rough night. He was having a hard time catching his breath. How do I go about getting him a bipap machine? Doctor prescribed? What exactly does a bipap do? Any help would be so appreciated. Love being able to come here for input. Cheryl
  5. starente15

    Breathing worse in evening?

    My dad did really well today, got out to the store and just used the bipap for an hour after lunch. Around 7pm I noticed him breathing harder and suggested going back on. He pretty much ran. Stayed on for 25 mins and he's still not breathing right now that he's sitting again. Anyone else get...
  6. M

    Help my mother

    Hi everyone, Not sure where to start but I wish I can find some kind of help... Mom was diagnosed a bit more than 2 y ago with bulbar onset. It has progressed enormously in the past months to the point where she does not talk, eat and move anymore; just slightly her head and one of her hands...
  7. starente15

    Sip and Puffs

    Hi everyone. Does anyone use a sip and puff vent? I'm trying to find out if there's a point in time when something like that wouldn't work. My father has difficulty speaking in sentences at this point and is short of breath all the time, worse upon exertion of any kind. Would something like...
  8. starente15

    Breathing difficulties

    Hi everyone. Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays! Feeling helpless in trying to find ways to make things easier for my dad. He's started using the bipap more frequently throughout the day now in addition to sleeping. He's fully mobile but his breathing limits what he can do significantly. Does...
  9. Chumpy

    Any suggestions.....

    So my husband has PBP..... Diagnosed last month, started showing symptoms september 2013. Speech was the first noticeable symptom or sign. Since his diagnoses November 3rd, his depression has gotten worse. His drinking (alcohol) increased. He spends a lot of time feeling wore out. He was...
  10. N

    Humana Medicar Advantage plan rejecting my claims

    I was just denied headgear and breathing mask for my BiPAP which Humana is paying for because they are "not medically necessary" Can anyone tell me how to use that machine without the tubing and mask? They are also denying as not medically necessary my nutritional supplements I use through the...