
  1. L

    Voice amplifier for Bipap mask

    Has anyone used the Speax system or something similar? Ataiamedical dot com PALS is now using Bipap almost all day and it’s so hard to communicate with the mask on. Lee
  2. C

    Feeding with BiPAP and RT

    Hi, Do you have any recommendations on how to feed the person while that person is on BiPAP ? Diet is fed via Ryles Tube in puree form. Thank You
  3. timrous beastie

    mis/adventures in BiPAP - a newbies journal

    [our "newly diagnosed" story starts here. now on to chapter 2...] The AirCurve 10 ST-A that we purchased out of pocket was finally delivered on Monday. I had to chase the UPS truck around the neighborhood to retrieve it, due to a miscommunication... but I now have it in hand. Settings below...
  4. Colleen15

    Bipap question

    I use a non invasive ventilator, like a bipap, with a full mask, only a few hours a day. But either my mask gets loaded with saliva, or my mouth gets soooo dry after an hour. I don’t know how i will be able to use this all night. Does anyone else have these issues? Thank you
  5. lgelb

    BiPAP sales

    I don't usually post about cash DME sales, obviously, but for anyone needing a starter/backup BiPAP, masks, etc. RespShop has a nice CyberMonday sale going on today. SecondWind has some good options as well. Note that these machines will not be portable with batteries, only for somewhere with...
  6. lgelb

    Resource Respiratory testing/support, including BiPAP

    Suggesting machine volume on a more specific basis than the sticky requires knowing more about the PALS' medical history, so please ask me in VM, PM, or a thread if you need help with BiPAP (or anything else, of course). Best, Laurie
  7. Tomswife

    Bipap in the hospital

    PALS Tom is in the hospital with pneumonia. This is not unexpected and occurs sometimes in late stage bulbar ALS. What is interesting is the hospital wants him on his home bipap, with home settings..So our daughter went home and got it. I question everything, always learning. The...
  8. M

    BiPap questions

    My BiPap was delivered today. I want to breathe slower than the machine wants me to. Inhaling and exhaling get difficult toward the end. Can one get a longer hose? The space between my side of the bed and the wall is narrow-ish and this means that with the nightstand and then the BiPap, I...
  9. Male heights/target volume

    Male heights/target volume

    For each male height on the left, especially [but not only] if your Vt setting is outside the range shown in the 3 righthand columns, and you are not comfortable on BiPAP, Vt may need adjustment. Other settings may benefit from adjustment as well. PM me.
  10. Female heights/tidal volumes

    Female heights/tidal volumes

    For each female height on the left, especially [but not only] if your Vt setting is outside the range shown in the 3 righthand columns, and you are not comfortable on BiPAP, Vt may need adjustment. Other settings may benefit from adjustment as well. PM me.