
  1. Lori7

    Legs no longer work, confined to bed

    Hi. I am now in bed full time and can’t move very much. My husband rolls me over from time to time to help prevent bed sores, and I try to move my legs a little during the day as best I can to help prevent blood clots. However, my family doctor and ALS clinic are talking about putting me on...
  2. S


    We are not quite ready for a hospital bed, but need something lower than our current king bed, which is too high to get into. Does anyone have experience with a sleep number bed? Or alternatives that allow us to sleep together but better accommodate transfers?
  3. swalker

    Hospital Bed Repair

    My hospital bed is pretty old (I would guess about 20 years). It was donated to a woman whose husband was a PALS. After he passed, she donated it to the local ALS Association. Due to the difficulty of moving the bed out of her house, the ALS association simply left it in her house for...
  4. R

    Hospital bed

    Pals hospital bed was delivered Wednesday, and I look at it wondering how in the world will he be able to sleep, be comfortable, and most importantly, not fall out. He has to sit in upright position due to tube feedings and severe shoulder pain if laying flat. The guard rails don’t serve any...
  5. C

    Advice on getting in/out of bed safely

    I need advice how to get in/out bed. We have an adjustable bed with bed rails. I transfer from mobility scooter, making a 90 degree turn with assistance from husband into bed. We have had bumps and bruises and near miss falls. We need a new solution. I still have some strength in my arms...
  6. KimT

    ACX Premium Hospital Bed Set

    Does anyone have experience with or feedback for this bed? Also, I'm comfortable with a natural latex mattress with a soft latex topper and wool mattress pad. Do any of you have experience with using latex on hospital beds?
  7. M

    How to get fully electric, reverse Trelendenberg bed?

    The DME vendors in my county generally don't submit to Medicare, saying that if they did, they would end up going out of business because Medicare reimb. rates are so low. One does submit, but they can only get me a partial electric. My insurance co. says my neuro should request prior auth and...
  8. Tomswife

    Pressure ulcers. Bed sores

    My husband PALS is bedridden and cannot move on his own. We try to be diligent to prevent bed sores but perhaps they are inevitable at some point. I hope not. There is a lot of info on the internet on prevention and remedies. Here is one document, attached. And there is the USA National...
  9. A

    Hospital bed in small room solution

    We converted my father in laws dining room into a nice mini studio for him. But optimal placement being a small room, the bed is best against the wall. But then my mother in law, or a caretaker, cannot make the bed easily. Enter a little hardware I put together, some welding and electrics…. The...
  10. M

    Need suggestions for hypoallergenic way of protecting bed from possible floods

    I break out in a rash (allergic dermatitis) on my thighs if I wear anything containing less than 95% cotton. I have not had any dribbling or floods in bed, so far, but it makes me nervous. I tried putting a bath towel under my sheet but it slides down and bunches up in the wrong place. I'm...