My Avaps, the Astral 150, is of the vintage 2018. That is an important detail, the internal battery is defective; it beeps consistently when not connected to electric. This has been authenticated by the Director of Quality Assurance at ResMed in a public email; sent to us December 2023.
Our DME...
For each male height on the left, especially [but not only] if your Vt setting is outside the range shown in the 3 righthand columns, and you are not comfortable on BiPAP, Vt may need adjustment. Other settings may benefit from adjustment as well. PM me.
For each female height on the left, especially [but not only] if your Vt setting is outside the range shown in the 3 righthand columns, and you are not comfortable on BiPAP, Vt may need adjustment. Other settings may benefit from adjustment as well. PM me.