als and ftd

  1. shelleynshaggy

    Skin Biopsy

    Has anyone ever had a skin biopsy done for ALS? After talking to the neurologist he would like to do this. I know it is primarily for research purposes - but I am wondering exactly how bad it is to go through. Our neuro is very interested in Jim's case and would like to get us much info as...
  2. shelleynshaggy

    FYI - Katie C

    Just an FYI - Katie C lost her husband, Glen 3:30 Friday afternoon. Though he had ALS and FTD it was all really kinda sudden. Arrangements are still being made. Please keep her and her family in your prayers. I am sure she will post when things calm down. :cry:
  3. D

    Wife and mother in need of resources

    I am a new member to this site, looking for support and understanding of our situation and hopefully some resources. My husband was diagnosed with ALS and FTD seven months ago. He is only 40 years old and we have two young boys, 8 and 10. Thankfully, we have an amazing support group of family...
  4. C

    Speech and Communication device advice needed

    My husband has Bulbar ALS and FTD. He is speaking less and less. I've read the threads on the different devices, pros and cons. I would love to have him try the iPhone with the Proloquo2go app but am afraid it may be too difficult mentally. His dexterity is fine. Or the FTD may have robbed him...
  5. C

    Advice on FTD & ALS specialists in AZ?

    Has anyone had experience with either the Banner Institute or Mayo Clinic in Phoenix? We are an unusual case as my hb has FTD and Bulbar onset ALS. We went to an ALS Clinic in Tucson this morning which was ok, but left me thinking we should try somewhere that may have more experience with the...
  6. J

    Dad - FTD and ALS

    Hi all. I have seen several of my friends from my FTD support group out here already. My father was diagnosed with FTD almost 3 years ago. Just this summer, he started falling all of the time which we had attributed to the FTD. It was someone at my Mom's support group who suggested the...