
  1. S

    Questions for the forum

    Hello everyone, I've been reading these forums off and on for the last two months and the amount of information here regarding this disease is pretty amazing. Thanks for helping me ease my mind. I'm a 22 year old male. I came down with an upper respiratory tract infection last December, which...
  2. W

    Worried about symptoms

    Hi, I (like many others) am worried about my symptoms. Little background - I am 26 yo male who has been overweight most of his life. Last september I felt pretty sick with pains in my chest and went to a cardiologist. He did an entire workup on me and everything came back negative although...
  3. B

    Eustachian tube blockage

    Does anyone here have problems with their ears getting plugged up? I came across an abstract of an article by PubMed that says there is a higher incidence rate of serous otitis media (fluid buildup in the middle ear due to blockage of eustachian tube as a consequence of allergies...
  4. freddiesnetty

    Freddie In Hospital!

    I can not write too much. I have got to get back to the hospital. Freddie has a touch of pneumonia:( And then today they told me that he has psuedomia sp? I know that that is not a good thing. I have beat myself up for a few days wondering if I caused this..They seem to think that it was...
  5. W

    Does this sound like ALS?

    Thanks to anyone who takes the time to read this - I began having balance problems (walking but feeling like I might fall down) August 2006 - went to my primary care Dr. he told me I had fluid in my ear and gave me some meds, that went away and then I began to have headaches daily for 3 months...
  6. freddiesnetty

    Robinol? Secretions w/Trach

    Hi All, I know that this is a question that I should know the answer to but I am just double checking with my experts:-D Freddie seems to be having alot of oral secretions, him being trached and the constant swallowing, is causing me to suction him orally and through his trach. He is on robinol...
  7. J

    So sick of hospice!

    My mom got diagnosed with ALS (even though our family thinks it isn't) on May 20th. If you read my post "Worst Nightmare Come True" you can read my story of how they arrived at ALS. So, the doc said we should go with hospice since they provide more with our insurance. I'd like to vent that...
  8. fiddleplayer51

    Husband being diagnosed with ALS

    Hello, My husband is in the process of being diagnosed with ALS. In December 2007 he began noticing his voice sounded different although I didn't notice anything unusual. Then by January his voice had a distinct nasal quality. He went to our PCP who first started him on Clarinex in case his...
  9. C

    Who can I go to?

    I have some concerns that I hope turn out to be absolutely nothing, but I don't know where to go. My daughter will be four years old in a few weeks. When she was an infant, she lifted her head quite early, but she was always really "bobbly." A friend of my sister's was holding her (her friend...
  10. Sammantha

    Is Gerd/esophagitis related to ALS?

    Hi, i have been in and out of this forum for awhile. I have been diagnosed with a neuromuscular disorder. My GP basically said that i definetly have something wrong with my motor neurons but she and my neurologist feel that because of my age and my ability to still use my affected muscles...