Male patient aged 35 with history of dysarthria, dysphagia and nasal regurgitation of fluids since a year now presents with stiffness of right arm and cramping of legs with diffused muscle twitches and 4-5 month history of weakness both hands and excessive laughter (emotional incontinence) no...
Hello everyone,
My mother in law met with an bus accident in which she fell on her back inside a bus. After a month or two she started feeling immobility (gradually) in her right arm and shoulder. Thinking this could be due to the accident, she did the normal massaging, heat warming etc and...
I figure as long as I'm still posting here, I should also continue to share my experience and process. I'm thankfully through most of the concern I felt when AHCD was first mentioned, thanks to this group and my health team. I just want to handle things moving forward as matter-of-factly as...
My new Neurologist noted AHCD as the only differential on the referral to a neuromuscular specialist for the EMG. Correct me if I'm wrong, but Anterior Horn Cell Disease is the parent for the MNDs? Not surprisingly after an exam, he's also confirmed the atrophy and weakness in both hands along...