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  1. gregdickerson

    Dizziness and ALS

    I was just wondering if anyone has experienced dizziness as a symptom. Not as a result of meds or treatments but a true out of the blue symptom.
  2. gregdickerson

    MMN to ALS? Time frame fom first symptoms?

    Hi There, I have a diagnosis of MMN with suspect ALS. Just got it 9/9/09. I was wondering how many of you with ALS where first diagnosed with MMN, CIDP, GBS or somthing else before ALS and how long between the two?
  3. gregdickerson

    Bilateral foot drop

    Hi everyone, I am new to the site and I am in the process of diagnosis. I have bilateral foot drop as well as other symptoms that started about 18 months ago. My question is have any of you with foot drop had any improvent in range of motion but still have progression of ALS or diagnosis later...