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  1. gagirl

    My sweet husband Tim lost his battle

    The Pain of Grief I had no idea it would be this hard. I can't sleep and struggle to put one foot in front of the other. It is so difficult to not only lose my best friend and sole mate, but the go from being needed 24 hrs. a day every day to nothing, just lost. It is so much more than I can...
  2. gagirl

    My sweet husband Tim lost his battle

    My sweet husband Tim died peacefully at home in my arms from ALS Oct. 16, 2008 at 7:15am. He slipped into a comma the night before at 7:30pm and I spent the entire night kissing and holding him and telling him how much I love him and always will. Please pray for me. I can't describe the pain...
  3. gagirl

    Husband has pneumonia

    CJ - I am sorry I didn't see this post before now. I am adding you and your husband to the top of my prayer list. Please continue to keep us posted on his progress.
  4. gagirl

    Neck muscles..what to expect

    Hey Lisa, My husband has completely lost the muscles in his neck too. I started with the muscles in the back of his neck. If he tried to look up really high, his head would just fall backwards and he couldn't pull it back up with assistance. Then the front muscles became very weak and he...
  5. gagirl

    is the end near?

    Hey Christy, I think that question is one as caregivers, we ask all the time, just not always verbally. My husband does the same thing at times and its usually on days that he is really depressed and down. So when I see the signs that he is feeling down, I usually plan something. I either...
  6. gagirl

    What to expect?

    My husband got his peg tube this past Friday and all is well. His formula is Jevity 1.5 and takes 1/2 can in the morning and 1/2 can in the evening the first week, then beginning next week he will go to 1 can in the morning and 1 can in the evening; eventually working up to 5 cans a day. He...
  7. gagirl

    I need HELP, PLEASE

    Christy and all Caregivers - Please remember that if you receive Hospice care, you are the consumer. You are paying for their services. Make sure you get detailed information from them of what they offer and if you need more than what they have or are not happy with their service, there are...
  8. gagirl

    Where to get help

    Hey Lissa, I would advise talking to Hospice. They have so many resources. We get help from hospice and they have a social worker that is loaded with information on community resources and the volunteer program through hospice that could be of great help to you. I hope this helps you.
  9. gagirl

    What to expect?

    Hey there. My husband has had ALS for appros. 5 1/2 yrs now. Since Jan. he has progress rapidly and his rectal muscle and the muscles that work the bladder have been effected. He has the urge to go to the restroom, but does not have the muscle strength to push anything out. He had a catheter...
  10. gagirl

    Desparately Overwhelmed

    Hello my friends. Tim & I are making peace with what lies ahead for us and trying to get our affairs in order. We want to get it all out of the way so we can just enjoy each other for however long we have. I found a massage therapist that has agreed to come to our home and start giving Tim...