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  1. allie/chase dad


    Doctors really are the worst patients. I finally went back to my very good primary care doc. Hadn't been since this started in late February. After seeing multiple very questionable local general neurologists he's sending me to Cleveland's neuromuscular division. Of note i arranged the local...
  2. allie/chase dad


    Warning. Long post. I last posted in march. A lot has happened since then. To review. I had onset of fasiculations in January. inititally a few and in legs then increased and generalized all over. Majority stilll in legs. Then I noticed partial foot drop on the left and very mild vague...
  3. allie/chase dad


    Hello everyone. First off I want to thank all the kind and knowledgable folks on here for their time and compassion. Reading this forum has been both informative and inspirational. In no way do I want to disrespect or waste the time of the many people battling (PALS and CALS) this difficult...