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  1. H

    Hi Bindy!! Thanks for the really nice visitor message as what a nice surprise. Well i do not...

    Hi Bindy!! Thanks for the really nice visitor message as what a nice surprise. Well i do not have ALS but i do have CIDP which is an autoimmune motor neuron disease that's paralysed my feet and weakened my legs since 1996 and so i research all the neuro diseases especially those like MS and...
  2. H

    New to forum, John McCarty, PhD

    O.k. as that was interesting about hyperlipidemia and ALS Dr. M and again thankyou for all your hard work researching into the cause of ALS over the years etc. harry
  3. H

    New to forum, John McCarty, PhD

    Hey Dr. M I just found out over at the old site that your here now so i joined up and i learned a tremendous amount about the research of ALS reading your posts (and others) over the years mostly lurking at TDI. Here's my question as i'm sure that you remember Robert Wilhelm's thread about the...