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  1. R

    Looking for opinions to help ease mind about the possibility of ALS.

    Hello all, just an update. Last week I seen a neurologist and he told me he does not see any signs of als. Crazy thing is ever since that appointment my muscle twitches have increased tremendously and even though it’s everywhere it’s been pretty consistent on my right quad right above my knee...
  2. R

    Hello Paul, after looking it up it is definitely something I will bring up to my doctor via my...

    Hello Paul, after looking it up it is definitely something I will bring up to my doctor via my appointment coming up. I actually was able to see a neurologist last week. He told me I don’t have als and sound pretty confident. He told me he believes it’s post viral dysautonomia. Not sure how I...
  3. R

    Looking for opinions to help ease mind about the possibility of ALS.

    Laurie, I really appreciate your response. I have many other symptoms I didn’t even write like constant left shoulder pain and from what I can tell muscle atrophy in my left forearm, facial pressure and numbness. It’s hard to believe one can be dealing with post-viral issues for six months. I...
  4. R

    Looking for opinions to help ease mind about the possibility of ALS.

    First and foremost my heart goes out to all those that have been diagnosed with als and the families that it has impacted. I’m here just like many others, because I fear the possibility of ALS. I already know some of what I post may may have some rolling their eyes because of it not being an...