Search results for query: microsoft surface

  • Users: azgirl
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    Tobii user needs glasses

    I communicate exclusively with eye gaze. My progressive lenses didn't calibrate so well with the original tobii. I love the tobii eye tracker hooked up to regular tablet. It calibrates well with my glasses, I use Microsoft surface,.
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    What is latest in eye gaze technology?

    I practical practiced for a year before I had to use it,. I hated giving up my iPad but love my Microsoft surface with tobii eyegaze attached. also recently my children commented they were so glad I recorded my voice. The computer sounds much like my voice.
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    Windows Eye Control

    I have a set up like Vincent is describing attached to a Microsoft surface and I love it, I found the Tobii slow and clunky. My only complaint is that it won't work with Apple products, unless that has changed recently