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    Denver, CO improves ALS symptoms?

    I found this link on the UK’s MND forum. This paper suggests that (some) oxygen deprivation can benefit the nervous system. Will let the smart people weigh in ...
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    This time it's a spider

    I love these challenges. I'm thinking an Araneus diadematus. Also called Garden cross spider. Furry legs and cross on the back are peculiar (and a little freaky). What do you think?
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    Spring Grand Canyon Trip

    Thank you so much for posting these beautiful photos. I always wanted to see the Grand Canyon so planned a trip for my fiftieth birthday - in October 2013. Sadness. The American federal government was on strike. Luckily we were able to see the Canyon from the West side on the Hualipai...
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    Help me identify this...part II

    So pretty ... is it a Tigridia Pavonia?
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    non-religious books on facing death/terminal illness

    I have read two memoirs: "When Breath Becomes Air" and "The Bright Hour". I also viewed some videos on YouTube produced by the Nour Foundation on death and dying. I am not particularly religious but most helpful for me was viewing YouTube videos of Ajahn Brahm from the Budhist Society...
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    the Sentence GAME

    ENERGIZE Elected nabob energetically ruminates; grizzles; insults. Zigzagging egotist. (too harsh?) NABOB
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    What kind of AFO did you/ do you have?

    Mine are custom made plastic ones. I'm attaching a picture - hopefully successfully. I have chosen a much more subtle/boring grey pattern.
  8. Screen Shot 2018-06-09 at 9.35.10 PM.png

    Screen Shot 2018-06-09 at 9.35.10 PM.png

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    NurOwn stem cell phase 3 study

    Hi Just, I too was curious about Al's protocol and kept a copy. From a post dated Jan. 29, 2017 Good Day all, Kim and Brad asked about my protocol, this is the vitamin program given to me by ALS Canada, ALS Clinic. Vitamin E ( natural source ) 2000UI per day. Vitamin C. 1000 mg ( time...
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    Recent Diagnosis

    Hello Cathy, A quick welcome, I don’t post often but read this forum daily and enjoy the advice and humour here. I was diagnosed December 2017 at age 54 more than a year after I noticed symptoms in my right leg. I was employed full time but 2 months prior to diagnosis had reduced my hours of...