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    Post here if you have a problem with this site

    change profile how do I change info on my profile page?
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    Hi i'm new at this .I have had ALS 17 years.

    Hi to all - I am Marcie's Mom - I am so glad the holidays are over - We are doing OK considering we are nearing the 15th. year mark of a DX of ALS - however it started attacking her in the fall of 1992 when she was only 21 - then with a DX when she was 23 - and now living for 15 years with a DX...
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    Communication (AAC) Devices - Need Recommendations

    Marcie uses ERICA from Eye Responce - the lady who showed it to us in Jan. of '06 came and trained us on it and was just here on Wed. to check in on us -she will come any time we need her and they also have support on line and on the phone - Marcie is very fast -...
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    How Long Has Everyone Had Als ?

    my daughter, Marcie has been DX with ALS for 14 1/2 years but symptoms started 2 years before that in 1992 for a total of 16 1/2 years Linda CALS to Marcie DX with ALS in 1994 when she was 23 PEG in '04 Vented in '06 on her 36th. Birthday day uses ERICA to communicate you can read about her...
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    searching for posts by member

    Ok - I see -thank you - and thanks for keeping this site safe -
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    searching for posts by member

    So I just keep posting till I get permission to really be a member of this site? And - I ask a question about how many times I need to post and never saw it - but then I think this site is hard to find things on - but I am not to good with computers anyway - sorry I will hang in for a...
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    When can I see things on this site?

    I joined last weekend - my daughter has had ALS for 14 1/2 years I saw a "neck brace" on this site and wanted to see the picture and was not able to access the pictures of it. I was wondeer just how long or what does it take for me to be an official member of this group. This is not the first...
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    Caring for Daughter

    I answered the post about the letter board but where did it go -I bet I did something wrong Please email me at my email address and I can send you a copy of my letter board - my daughter is 37 - I am her caregiver - MArcie was DX with ALS in 1994 when she was 23 the most used letters are...
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    searching for posts by member

    Crystal - thank you - good way to keep this site what it should be - Linda:-D
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    Doc said..your 18 yr old son has MMN or ALS

    DX at 23 years of age Vayla - please keep us posted or send to my personal email address: [email protected] My daughter was DX when she was 23 - that was 14 years ago - I so know what you are going through - Linda my blog - Marcie's stories in May listing...