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  1. A

    Tobii i 15 for sale 2500

    Only used one time...still in original box with everything...has eye gaze and attaches to wheelchair... 2500 need to sell...paypal will be used for purchasing.
  2. A

    Looking For Permobil M300 - Tobii PCEye Go - Tobii Dynavox i15

    I have a tobii i15 and an i 12 that was only used once or twice for sale if your interested make an offer...i have pictures
  3. A

    lots of als equipment for sale

    My father passed away last August from als and I am trying to help my mother sell his equipment so she does not lose her home...If there is anything your interested in please message me with an offer or for pictures. Thankyou Tobii i-15 with eye gaze used only once or twice Permobil 2011...